Friday, August 30, 2013

The Mysteries of God - Mystery # 3 - Deeper Waters

Do you feel the Lord drawing you out into deeper waters? Here's a great explanation as to why. Ezekiel 47:1-12 is an interesting passage that is a foreshadow of a portion of the new city of God that is yet to come. God showed this to Ezekiel - the Prophet in a vision and also to John - the Apostle (found in Revelation 22:1-5).
These passages deal with the healing river of God and the trees along the river, which give healing fruit year round to heal the nations. It's a very beautiful picture of the healing and restoring power of Jesus. Healing is the very nature of Jesus and something He wants for all of us. Healing is not just physical. It can also be emotional, mental, and psychological for all of the hurts you have suffered in your past. Then, of course there is spiritual healing, which happens when we give our lives to Jesus.
In verses 3-6 of Ezekiel 47, we find a hidden nugget of gold. Ezekiel is told to cross the river at different points that were measured by his guide. It is likely that this guide is Jesus (see his description in Ezekiel 40). He takes Ezekiel on a journey of this river and commands him to cross it at different points. The first time Ezekiel is told to cross the river, the water is ankle deep. The second time it is knee deep. The third time it is waist deep. Finally, it is too deep to cross without swimming.
The nugget of truth in these verses relates to our journey with Christ. He is the river. The question is how deep do we dare to venture in Him? Ankle deep? Knee deep, Waist deep, or over your head, where you can't touch bottom? How much of Jesus do you want?
Notice what Ezekiel's guide says to him in verse 6. "Have you seen this?" or do you understand what I have shown you? There is a checking for understanding here that we should pay close attention to. Do we get this?

What good is it to go swimming on a hot day and only go in to your ankles, or to your knees, or to your waist? You will never truly be refreshed that way. Go all the way in, where the water is over your head, that's where the refreshing is. When you are completely immersed in Jesus, you find true and complete refreshing. So go for it! Don't just test the water with your big toe. Jump into the deep end. He won't let you drown.
I once heard Darlene Zschech (Hillsong Worship Leader/Pastor) say, "You've done all you can do. Now it's time to launch out into deeper waters, where you can't touch bottom and you know if He doesn't come through for you, you'll drown. That's where you need to be. That's where He wants you, in absolute trust and total abandonment to Him alone!" This is where God does great things. All we need is to trust Him and be obedient to what He says. He will save you from drowning, just as He saved Peter.
A NEW and great worship song the next generation of Hillsong worship has come out with brings back Darlene's words. It's pretty amazing, actually. She trained, mentored, and poured into the lives of these young people, who are now going for it, full throttle. They are sold out, poured out, all in, and willing to lay down their lives for Christ. Take a listen to this song and let the Holy Spirit speak to you about launching out into the deep, where you know if He doesn't come through, you'll drown. That's the place where you discover His will for your life, gain personal revelation, and discover your true destiny.
Oceans by Hillsong United
Be blessed my friends, as you boldly step out into deeper waters for Him.
Yours in Him,
Pastor Wendy

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