Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is there a doctor in the house? (Part 1)

We all need a doctor.

How many times have you had to visit the doctor in your lifetime? Too many times to count? At some point, we all must go to the doctor, whether it's for the flu, prescription medication, or just a routine check up.

How's your relationship with your doctor? Do you tell him/her everything, or do you withhold some information? Do you ask the important questions, or do you hold back? Do you trust him/her? Do you think of him/her as just a medical practitioner - one who "practices" medicine?

I happen to think that doctors are pretty amazing! They are able to treat our symptoms and make us feel better. I believe that doctors are a gift from God and an example of what God is like. God uses a lot of things in the natural to explain the spiritual to us. Think of what a doctor does. Now think of God.

God can make us feel better when we are hurt. Instead of pills, He prescribes to us His Word, which treats many ailments, anxieties, and issues. While sitting in your doctor's office may not make you feel better, sitting in God's presence is very different. It makes you not only feel better, but it also makes you feel stronger and like everything is going to be all right.

I have had personal experiences with disease and sickness. I never knew either of my grandmothers. My maternal grandmother died before I was born and my paternal grandmother died when I was just a baby. Cancer has taken far too many of my family members. So, believe me when I tell you that I know what it's like to be in need of a doctor.



  1. Ok you give me the appetizer I'm waiting for the prime rib tomorrow.

  2. I am very interested in this Blog. It is nourishing....BJ from Davenport

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