//// Colossians 1:26-28 (God's Word Translation)
26 In the past God hid this mystery, but now he has revealed it to his people. 27 God wanted his people throughout the world to know the glorious riches of this mystery—which is Christ living in you, giving you the hope of glory.28 We spread the message about Christ as we instruct and teach everyone with all the wisdom there is. We want to present everyone as mature Christian people.
God's original plan was to bring salvation first to His own culture - Jewish people. However, they rejected it. And this was no surprise to God. He did not panic and ask the angels what to do now that His amazing plan was foiled by the free will choice of man. Nope, nothing sneaks by Him, because He's God. He even knew this way before you or I were born. Even before the fall of man in the Garden. And way before He said, "Light Be!"
God knew that His Word would go forth by Gentiles first and then Jewish people would begin to see through the Gentiles. In 2007, I had an amazing opportunity to spend some time in Israel. The sites were amazing. Walking where Jesus walked, eating kosher food, smelling the fresh air, seeing the many sites - breathtaking! The thing that touched me the most was the Jewish people. They are so loving, especially of tourists. They are so hospitable and helpful.
They are also inquisitive about us Gentiles and our faith. They are trying to grasp the difference between Protestants and Catholics, and the many denominations of faith that we have. They are looking for true examples of Jesus' followers. They know historically who Jesus was. They all know. They just don't know Him relationally, as Christ followers do. This is where the questions come in. It's like they want to know about your friend and if you can introduce Him to them. It's so very exciting. They are hungry and searching for Jesus.
When we accept Christ as our Savior, an amazing thing happens. He sends His Holy Spirit to live inside of us. Can you see Him? No, but you can feel Him. You can also see the effects of His renovations on the dwelling place He is now fixing up. That's the great thing about Jesus. He's a carpenter by trade, so He is an expert at building and making all things new. We don't have to do any of the planning, or even the heavy lifting. He does it all. We just need to be obedient - come into agreement with Him, not fighting, kicking, or screaming. After all, He does know best. He created you and died for you. I'd say that automatically qualifies Him to speak into and rearrange your life around.
Just think about this idea that Christ comes to live in us. Can you name any other religious figure that has done this or has claimed to have done this? Are there any gods you can name that said I will leave all the splendor of heaven to come and live in imperfect, whining, complaining, humans? Why would God Almighty choose to take on human flesh - to become like one of us, so He could die for us and then establish a covenant relationship with us - one where He NEVER leaves us or forsakes us? Think about it. He is forever yours and you are forever His. Who else would think of this other than God Himself. He's an absolute genius!
Why not live in the most beautiful ocean or on top of a snow-capped mountain? Why not in the sky or in another galaxy? Why did He choose to be right here with and in us? He's a relational God. He loves you and me madly, deeply, and intensely. He wants to be right here for it all. To paraphrase an Aerosmith song, He does not want to miss a thing. He misses you. He won't close His eyes and He won't fall asleep either. He longs to be with you and commune with you, just like you do with your spouse or BFF. Yup, that close.
To coin a Star Wars phrase, He is our only hope and we need His help. He is our "Obi Wan Kenobi." This hope of glory is not for us to achieve greatness, but for Him to help us to achieve great things for His glory. See, man was not made for glory. It goes to our heads. Just look at Miley Cyrus. This is what glory does to mankind. No, glory is for God alone. He is the only One who can receive it and not go crazy. To be honest, He is the only One, truly worthy of glory. After all, we are talking about the One who not only gave us life, but also died, so that we could live forever.
He is the One doing the work. We only need to rest in Him. Remember, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He transforms us from glory to glory (progressively more and more into His image), so that we can accomplish great things in His name and for His namesake. Remember, Jesus said we'd do greater things than He did and all of the signs that He spoke about in "The Great Commission" would follow believers - power to heal the sick, cast out demons, and raise the dead. That's power! We can't do it in ourselves. It has to be His way, His authority, His power.
So, He made a way for us, yet while we were sinners, to restore us unto Himself. He paid the price. He became the path and the way. He makes all things new. He lives and stays with us every step of the way, through the power of the Holy Spirit. He guides and leads us. He transforms us. All we have to do is be willing to go on the journey with Him. He knows the way. He is the compass and the direction. He exchanged our miserable hopeless lives for His life of eternal hope. He asks us to follow Him, in intimacy and relationship, so we can be with Him and be like Him. He works all things for our good, according to this purpose.
Why? Because He's crazy in love with YOU! You still have a free will to choose to be with Him or be distant from Him, each and every day. Why are we being made into His image? He's perfect. There's no corruption in Him; only pure love and honest perfection. We mature, as we become more like Him. This is how He wants to present us to God in heaven - as mature believers who chose the best thing to ever happen to planet earth - Jesus Christ.
So this great mystery is revealed to us Gentiles, to share with the world. Christ lives in us. He is our hope of becoming more and more like Himself, because He paid the price. He does the work in us and through us. He makes us ready for heaven, while He equips us to fulfill His work, here on earth. He's thought of it all - leaving no detail out. He's got it all covered, so just rest in Him.
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