Friday, August 30, 2013

The Mysteries of God - Mystery # 3 - Deeper Waters

Do you feel the Lord drawing you out into deeper waters? Here's a great explanation as to why. Ezekiel 47:1-12 is an interesting passage that is a foreshadow of a portion of the new city of God that is yet to come. God showed this to Ezekiel - the Prophet in a vision and also to John - the Apostle (found in Revelation 22:1-5).
These passages deal with the healing river of God and the trees along the river, which give healing fruit year round to heal the nations. It's a very beautiful picture of the healing and restoring power of Jesus. Healing is the very nature of Jesus and something He wants for all of us. Healing is not just physical. It can also be emotional, mental, and psychological for all of the hurts you have suffered in your past. Then, of course there is spiritual healing, which happens when we give our lives to Jesus.
In verses 3-6 of Ezekiel 47, we find a hidden nugget of gold. Ezekiel is told to cross the river at different points that were measured by his guide. It is likely that this guide is Jesus (see his description in Ezekiel 40). He takes Ezekiel on a journey of this river and commands him to cross it at different points. The first time Ezekiel is told to cross the river, the water is ankle deep. The second time it is knee deep. The third time it is waist deep. Finally, it is too deep to cross without swimming.
The nugget of truth in these verses relates to our journey with Christ. He is the river. The question is how deep do we dare to venture in Him? Ankle deep? Knee deep, Waist deep, or over your head, where you can't touch bottom? How much of Jesus do you want?
Notice what Ezekiel's guide says to him in verse 6. "Have you seen this?" or do you understand what I have shown you? There is a checking for understanding here that we should pay close attention to. Do we get this?

What good is it to go swimming on a hot day and only go in to your ankles, or to your knees, or to your waist? You will never truly be refreshed that way. Go all the way in, where the water is over your head, that's where the refreshing is. When you are completely immersed in Jesus, you find true and complete refreshing. So go for it! Don't just test the water with your big toe. Jump into the deep end. He won't let you drown.
I once heard Darlene Zschech (Hillsong Worship Leader/Pastor) say, "You've done all you can do. Now it's time to launch out into deeper waters, where you can't touch bottom and you know if He doesn't come through for you, you'll drown. That's where you need to be. That's where He wants you, in absolute trust and total abandonment to Him alone!" This is where God does great things. All we need is to trust Him and be obedient to what He says. He will save you from drowning, just as He saved Peter.
A NEW and great worship song the next generation of Hillsong worship has come out with brings back Darlene's words. It's pretty amazing, actually. She trained, mentored, and poured into the lives of these young people, who are now going for it, full throttle. They are sold out, poured out, all in, and willing to lay down their lives for Christ. Take a listen to this song and let the Holy Spirit speak to you about launching out into the deep, where you know if He doesn't come through, you'll drown. That's the place where you discover His will for your life, gain personal revelation, and discover your true destiny.
Oceans by Hillsong United
Be blessed my friends, as you boldly step out into deeper waters for Him.
Yours in Him,
Pastor Wendy

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Mysteries of God - Mystery # 2 - Being One with Christ

The word "religion" gets thrown around a lot, when referring to belief or faith in God. This is not an accurate word to describe the true meaning of being a Christ follower. According to, the actual definitions of religion are as follows...

1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion. 
3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions. 
4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion. 
5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.

Beliefs, practices, and rituals are what these 5 definitions boil down to. This means religion is man-made. Again, not an accurate portrayal of what really happens in the case of a Christ follower. A more accurate word to describe this would be relationship, which defines as...

1. a connection, association, or involvement.
2. connection between persons by blood or marriage.
3. an emotional or other connection between people: the relationship between teachers and students. 
4. a sexual involvement; affair.

You might be saying, wait just a minute. No one is "that close" with God or Jesus! It's not possible. You would be wrong and you would have misunderstood the very relationship that Jesus died for. Just take a look at this great mystery, as it is explained in Ephesians 5:31-32 NLT.

31 As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” 32 This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. 

When you get married, do you have religion with that person, or do you have a relationship? OK, watch this. The relationship between husband and wife is an allegory or a type, used to describe the symbolism between the relationship between Christ and His followers.

  • "As a man leaves father and mother to be joined with his wife" - Jesus left His Heavenly Father to come to earth to establish a relationship with His Church (Bride). He walked with her, talked with her, taught her, healed her, and wooed her. Then, He left His earthly mother, Mary, to go to the cross to lay down His life for His Bride. Remember, He said to John, "behold your mother" and to Mary, "behold your son" (John). He was establishing a relationship for His earthly mother, so she could let Him go to do what He had to do to reunite all of His Bride with God in Heaven. He made this disconnect with Mary, not because He did not love her anymore as His mother, but because He had to die for her too.

  • "The two are united as one" - Jesus chose to lay down His life for His Bride. His life was not taken from Him. He gave Himself as a sacrifice to redeem His Bride and to reunite with Her. He loved Her that much.

This is the most beautiful relationship that ever existed. God became a man to save us from our sin, to cleanse us, restore us, redeem us, love us, and die for us. Marriage involves a dying to yourself, so that you can love the other person completely and unselfishly. You are able to put their needs before yours and you are able to see them as part of you - as you are called one flesh, according to the Bible.

You make an unbreakable covenant when you say, "I do." You are giving up your single life and declaring that "I am yours and you are mine" until death. You seal the covenant with the consummation of the relationship. This makes you one (flesh to flesh).

Jesus made this unbreakable covenant on the cross when He said I will die FOR YOU! He consummated the relationship by giving us His Holy Spirit. When you pray to receive Christ, The Holy Spirit comes to live in you. You are His and He is yours forever. In effect, He becomes One with you (Spirit to spirit).

When you see that Jesus wants a relationship with you, your understanding opens up in a whole new light. He is a relational God and He loves you madly, deeply, perfectly, and passionately. When you view this as a relationship, suddenly His words are not a list of rules (do this/don't do this). They begin to make sense, as you see His words and plans for you are for good, for hope, and for your future.

Jesus always wants to spend time with you. He cares for you more than you know and He thinks about you all of the time. You are always on His heart and mind. He longs to be with you, talk with you, and be there for you. He makes all things new for you. He works all things for your good too. And that is true love!

Jason Gray wrote a song, called "More Like Falling in Love" and I think this song sums up the difference between religion and relationship perfectly. Take a listen here...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Mysteries of God - Mystery # 1 - Christ IN YOU...The Hope of Glory!

Mystery #1...Christ IN YOU...The Hope of Glory!
//// Colossians 1:26-28 (God's Word Translation)

26 In the past God hid this mystery, but now he has revealed it to his people. 27 God wanted his people throughout the world to know the glorious riches of this mystery—which is Christ living in you, giving you the hope of glory.28 We spread the message about Christ as we instruct and teach everyone with all the wisdom there is. We want to present everyone as mature Christian people.

God's original plan was to bring salvation first to His own culture - Jewish people. However, they rejected it. And this was no surprise to God. He did not panic and ask the angels what to do now that His amazing plan was foiled by the free will choice of man. Nope, nothing sneaks by Him, because He's God. He even knew this way before you or I were born. Even before the fall of man in the Garden. And way before He said, "Light Be!"

God knew that His Word would go forth by Gentiles first and then Jewish people would begin to see through the Gentiles. In 2007, I had an amazing opportunity to spend some time in Israel. The sites were amazing. Walking where Jesus walked, eating kosher food, smelling the fresh air, seeing the many sites - breathtaking! The thing that touched me the most was the Jewish people. They are so loving, especially of tourists. They are so hospitable and helpful.

They are also inquisitive about us Gentiles and our faith. They are trying to grasp the difference between Protestants and Catholics, and the many denominations of faith that we have. They are looking for true examples of Jesus' followers. They know historically who Jesus was. They all know. They just don't know Him relationally, as Christ followers do. This is where the questions come in. It's like they want to know about your friend and if you can introduce Him to them. It's so very exciting. They are hungry and searching for Jesus.

When we accept Christ as our Savior, an amazing thing happens. He sends His Holy Spirit to live inside of us. Can you see Him? No, but you can feel Him. You can also see the effects of His renovations on the dwelling place He is now fixing up. That's the great thing about Jesus. He's a carpenter by trade, so He is an expert at building and making all things new. We don't have to do any of the planning, or even the heavy lifting. He does it all. We just need to be obedient - come into agreement with Him, not fighting, kicking, or screaming. After all, He does know best. He created you and died for you. I'd say that automatically qualifies Him to speak into and rearrange your life around.

Just think about this idea that Christ comes to live in us. Can you name any other religious figure that has done this or has claimed to have done this? Are there any gods you can name that said I will leave all the splendor of heaven to come and live in imperfect, whining, complaining, humans? Why would God Almighty choose to take on human flesh - to become like one of us, so He could die for us and then establish a covenant relationship with us - one where He NEVER leaves us or forsakes us? Think about it. He is forever yours and you are forever His. Who else would think of this other than God Himself. He's an absolute genius!

Why not live in the most beautiful ocean or on top of a snow-capped mountain? Why not in the sky or in another galaxy? Why did He choose to be right here with and in us? He's a relational God. He loves you and me madly, deeply, and intensely. He wants to be right here for it all. To paraphrase an Aerosmith song, He does not want to miss a thing. He misses you. He won't close His eyes and He won't fall asleep either. He longs to be with you and commune with you, just like you do with your spouse or BFF. Yup, that close.

To coin a Star Wars phrase, He is our only hope and we need His help. He is our "Obi Wan Kenobi." This hope of glory is not for us to achieve greatness, but for Him to help us to achieve great things for His glory. See, man was not made for glory. It goes to our heads. Just look at Miley Cyrus. This is what glory does to mankind. No, glory is for God alone. He is the only One who can receive it and not go crazy. To be honest, He is the only One, truly worthy of glory. After all, we are talking about the One who not only gave us life, but also died, so that we could live forever.

He is the One doing the work. We only need to rest in Him. Remember, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He transforms us from glory to glory (progressively more and more into His image), so that we can accomplish great things in His name and for His namesake. Remember, Jesus said we'd do greater things than He did and all of the signs that He spoke about in "The Great Commission" would follow believers - power to heal the sick, cast out demons, and raise the dead. That's power! We can't do it in ourselves. It has to be His way, His authority, His power.

So, He made a way for us, yet while we were sinners, to restore us unto Himself. He paid the price. He became the path and the way. He makes all things new. He lives and stays with us every step of the way, through the power of the Holy Spirit. He guides and leads us. He transforms us. All we have to do is be willing to go on the journey with Him. He knows the way. He is the compass and the direction. He exchanged our miserable hopeless lives for His life of eternal hope. He asks us to follow Him, in intimacy and relationship, so we can be with Him and be like Him. He works all things for our good, according to this purpose.

Why? Because He's crazy in love with YOU! You still have a free will to choose to be with Him or be distant from Him, each and every day. Why are we being made into His image? He's perfect. There's no corruption in Him; only pure love and honest perfection. We mature, as we become more like Him. This is how He wants to present us to God in heaven - as mature believers who chose the best thing to ever happen to planet earth - Jesus Christ.

So this great mystery is revealed to us Gentiles, to share with the world. Christ lives in us. He is our hope of becoming more and more like Himself, because He paid the price. He does the work in us and through us. He makes us ready for heaven, while He equips us to fulfill His work, here on earth. He's thought of it all - leaving no detail out. He's got it all covered, so just rest in Him.

The Mysteries of God - Introduction


There are many mysteries in the Bible. Many of these are prophecies, yet to be fulfilled. Some are prophecies already fulfilled. Many are the teachings of Christ or from the letters of the Apostle Paul to the churches of the 1st Century.

There are mysteries in both the Old and New Testaments. Jesus spoke in parables (common stories in the common language of His day - Aramaic and Greek), to reveal a lot of these mysteries, but many of the people just did not get what He was saying. No, they did not understand the words that were coming out of His mouth. LOL =) More often than not, He had to explain the meaning of these parables.

Do you ever feel like that? Like you read the Bible and you just don't get it? Do you find yourself re-reading what you just read? Still scratching your head? Let me see if I can help you out and offer a little insight on some of the greatest mysteries of the Bible.

Let's take a journey for a few days, maybe even a week or two (don't worry - I know how valuable your time is, so I promise to be brief, with the exception of this intro). Will you do me a favor? So this is not a one-sided discussion, please open up and dialogue with me. Feel free to join in on the conversation.

You can comment publicly or privately - doesn't matter which one - just get talking. The more we chew on God's Word, the more we break it down in a good way that many who are struggling can digest. And we all need spiritual food. I don't know it all. Iron sharpens iron. You may just find yourself Divinely inspired with a great interpretation of the scripture. So, please share.

There are many false doctrines out and about right now, so it is HIGHLY CRITICAL that you and I STAY (even camp out) in the Word. The best way to know a counterfeit is to study the real deal meticulously, so that you can spot the fake straight away. So, let's dig in my friend. This is going to be an exciting journey. I've got my cup of coffee. I'll give you a minute to grab yours and settle in a bit. Don't forget to grab your Bible.

OK ready? Here we go...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Is there a doctor in the house? (Part 6)

He's your doctor. 

Jesus was and is The Real Deal. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of His followers have been miraculously healed throughout history and yes, even today. Healing was not just for His time. However, it is important to know that He healed every person that came to Him for their sickness.

I want to encourage you to seek Him and study His Word. Really study it. The Word of God is not just ink on a page. It is living, breathing, and active. The Word is Jesus, according to the gospel of John.

Jesus is The Word, who took on flesh (John 1:14) The Bible is not just an ordinary book. It is an extraordinary person named Jesus. He is The Healer, The Provider, The Savior, The Redeemer. He is everything you and I need.

What ever you need, Jesus IS the answer! He did all of the work. He provided all the solutions and all of the answers. He made a way for us where no one else and nothing else could or would.

Whether you need healing for your body, soul, or spirit, Jesus made the way. All you need to do is believe with your heart and confess it with your mouth, and it shall be done. There's a doctor in the house and His name is JESUS!

Check out this new song from Darlene Zschech's "Revealing Jesus Project" (She is the Worship Pastor at Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia). "In Jesus' name" you are healed!

God is fighting for us
Pushing back the darkness
Lighting up the Kingdom
That cannot be shaken
In the name of Jesus
The enemy's defeated
And we will shout it out
Shout it out

I will live
I will not die
The resurrection power of Christ
Alive in me and I am free
In Jesus' name

I will live
I will not die
I will declare and lift You high
Christ revealed and I am healed
In Jesus' name
In Jesus' name
In Jesus' name
In Jesus' name

Monday, August 26, 2013

Is there a doctor in the house? (Part 5)

What qualifies Jesus to be the best doctor ever?

He is Jesus. He went to the cross over 2,000 years ago for you and for me, to suffer a horribly brutal death, which He did not deserve. However, before He went to that cross, He was beaten 39 times in the most grotesque and violent way known to man.

A whip, with multiple strips of leather, each strip containing fragments of bone, stone, or other jagged objects ripped and tore the flesh off of this innocent man. The closest portrayal to the real thing is found in Mel Gibson's, The Passion of The Christ. However, even Gibson stated that He had to back off from the dramatic gore of this scene, so as not to make his movie patrons violently ill in theaters. So, this depiction is still mild compared to what really happened that day.

But let's not focus on the gore. Instead, let's focus on the meaning of this inhumane beating. The number of times He was beaten is very important for us to grasp and understand. 39 times is not just some magical number. It has pure, premeditated significance.

I'm not talking about the Jewish law and the number of times a person was allowed to be scourged. That was a matter of legalism, which the Pharisees managed to follow to a "T." I am talking about the significance in our times, because what happened over 2,000 years ago still has relevance today.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has categorized every sickness, disease, ailment, and medical issue known to mankind on planet earth. Everything from AIDS, Cancer, STD's, bone disease, heart disease, Ebola... You name it... They have it categorized. Guess how many categories there are?

If you said 39, then you would be correct! Congratulations - You are the winner for today! But wait, isn't this just coincidence? Not hardly. This was a premeditated plan by God to pour out healing for everyone in every tribe, every tongue, and every nation. This is what qualifies Him to be "The Great Physician!"


Friday, August 23, 2013

Is there a doctor in the house? (Part 4)

Jesus heals completely and on many levels.

In Isaiah 53:5 (Amplified version) we encounter not just any physician, but we encounter The Great Physician! He is so great, that He thought of it all! Not only does He offer physical healing, but He also offers spiritual healing and emotional healing - which is healing for your soul (mind, will, and emotions). Just take a look at what this power packed scripture is really prescribing to us.

"But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole."

  • "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities"
- this is healing for our spirit, for the sins we have committed that separate us from God. God made a way for us to be redeemed back to Himself. God made a way to Himself just FOR YOU.

  • "the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him"
- this is healing for our souls (mind, will, and emotions). God knew in this life, we'd have emotional hurts and baggage. He wants to heal us of this also. YOUR ISSUES are HIS ISSUES. Let Him carry them FOR YOU.

  • "and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole"
 - this is physical healing for our bodies. No matter what the sickness or disease, there is healing for this. God made sure of it FOR YOU.

Think on this verse. Ponder it. Go over it in your mind. Let it become a part of you. This is where true healing begins!


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Is there a doctor in the house? (Part 3)

Obstacles to receiving your healing.

In Mark 9:14-29, we see the true struggle between having head knowledge and needing heart knowledge. Here, the father of a possessed child is asked by Jesus if he believes that Jesus can heal his son. The father's reply is, "I believe, but help my unbelief Lord." Basically, he was saying I know in my head you are able to do this, but my heart does not believe that You are The Healer. Help me! So, this father had a measure of faith in his head, but what he really needed was for his heart to take this information from his head and by this faith, his boy was healed.

It's the same for us today. Our brain gathers knowledge, but our heart believes. God ALWAYS wants to heal us. This is not up for debate. His very nature is wholeness and healing. He wants this for you and for me without question and without reservation. However, we place limitations and stipulations on this. STOP! You will never receive healing this way. You have to believe with your heart and not rationalize and analyze with your head. Healing IS yours in Jesus' name!

Do you have to serve Him to be healed? No, but you must believe! Sometimes people come to Him for a need before they ever get to know Him relationally. Did all of the people He healed in the Bible serve Him and know Him intimately before they were healed? No. They only had to believe. It was the love and compassion of Jesus' healing ministry that caused the people to follow Him. It's the same today.

What about the "I'm not good enough" argument? Guess what? None of us are ever good enough to get anything from Jesus on our own merit or name. The Bible says we all fall short in this. It's not your actions, deeds, or philosophy that matters to Him. Only your belief. And remember, He helps even with that.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Is there a doctor in the house? (Part 2)

He's my doctor.
I was diagnosed with Meniere's disease back in 2002. This disease effects your equilibrium and balance. It is characterized by ringing in the ears and a build up of fluid deep inside your inner ear that will not flush naturally. This is what causes dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, and instability.

I knew that God did not make junk when He made me, and He did not intend for me to have this. I knew this boldly with all of my mind, because of my faith in Him. However, I had to let that head knowledge become heart knowledge to activate my healing and make it real. We believe with our heart, not our head. Our head just stores and collects information.

I was not healed immediately from Meniere's disease. There was a lot of struggling, fighting, and doubt involved. I had two amazing prayer warriors in my corner that prayed more times than I can count. These two women never gave up on me. They encouraged me and believed with and for me. They also instructed me. They told me to study the Bible for what I was in need of.

So, I grabbed a concordance and pulled up the word "healing." I began to study every scripture in the Old and New Testaments on the subject. It was a tedious process and often times I did not feel like it, but after an intense journey of 6-8 months something amazing happened. My head knowledge dropped down into my heart. This activated my healing, like an atomic explosion and it was finished! No more symptoms. No more problems. I am healed completely! I give God all the glory and all the praise for this!

Now, there are times when the enemy tries to convince me that I am not healed, but I believe with my heart and declare with my mouth that I am and that settles it. Once you receive healing, you do need to hold onto it, because the Bible says the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He will try to rob you of every good gift that God gives you. Don't let him. The second part of that same scripture says that Jesus came to give us life abundantly to the full and to the overflow.

It was the study of the Word that made my healing possible. Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. My faith was built up by my study of the Word on the matter. Once I saw healing was God's will for me and that He left no one (not 1 person) unhealed, that was all I needed. Anything you need faith on, go to the Word and study. There is a great reward for you when you do. 2 Timothy 2:15 in the KJV says to "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

So remember, healing comes when you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth. Faith activates it. Get into the Word to build your faith and ask Jesus to help you to believe with your heart and not your head.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is there a doctor in the house? (Part 1)

We all need a doctor.

How many times have you had to visit the doctor in your lifetime? Too many times to count? At some point, we all must go to the doctor, whether it's for the flu, prescription medication, or just a routine check up.

How's your relationship with your doctor? Do you tell him/her everything, or do you withhold some information? Do you ask the important questions, or do you hold back? Do you trust him/her? Do you think of him/her as just a medical practitioner - one who "practices" medicine?

I happen to think that doctors are pretty amazing! They are able to treat our symptoms and make us feel better. I believe that doctors are a gift from God and an example of what God is like. God uses a lot of things in the natural to explain the spiritual to us. Think of what a doctor does. Now think of God.

God can make us feel better when we are hurt. Instead of pills, He prescribes to us His Word, which treats many ailments, anxieties, and issues. While sitting in your doctor's office may not make you feel better, sitting in God's presence is very different. It makes you not only feel better, but it also makes you feel stronger and like everything is going to be all right.

I have had personal experiences with disease and sickness. I never knew either of my grandmothers. My maternal grandmother died before I was born and my paternal grandmother died when I was just a baby. Cancer has taken far too many of my family members. So, believe me when I tell you that I know what it's like to be in need of a doctor.
