Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome to a New Year! 2014 is our year!

Happy New Year Everyone!
God Bless You!
It's going to be a good year!

We said our goodbyes to a year of preparation and all things being lined up in 2013 for this new year. The Lord Himself has set before us an open door that no man can shut. We boldly and thankfully cross the threshold into ALL that God has for us in His infinitely MORE! 2014 will be the year of double perfection! Expect MORE! Ephesians 3:20. Believe again! Trust God again. Our latter shall be greater than our former. Let Hope arise! This is the year that God brings what was dead back to life! So, speak those things that be not, as though they are. Romans 4:17.

Do you feel the expectancy and excitement rising within you now to believe God for more? No matter what 2013 threw at you, judge Him faithful and true! GOD is able, and NOTHING is impossible with Him! Nothing is too hard for Him! Start praising Him for your breakthrough and your victory, because we are crossing over the Jordan River and we are going to possess the land - including all that the enemy has stolen from us! We're taking it back and RECOVERING ALL!!!

Remember that every time the enemy attacks you, you have a blood-bought right and covenant to go to God and ask Him for vengeance on the enemy. He has to pay back 7 times what he stole from you! Remember, the enemy is your enemy, not people! Keep the proper perspective. John 10:10 says the enemy comes only to kill, steal, and destroy, but God comes to give us life, abundantly, and to the full! So, I ask you, what has the enemy killed, stolen, or destroyed in 2013? God is going to give you life, abundantly, and to the full in 2014 for what the enemy did.

Recover All Dear Ones!
Wendy xoxox

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