Friday, January 3, 2014

The Pattern of the Kingdom Revealed!

Did you know the gospel really truly is very simple? We tend to make a mess of it with all of our dogma and theology. It's time to get back to the basic truths of scripture and the life saving message of the cross.

So, let's break down a very simple scripture for our understanding, wisdom, revelation, and empowerment to dare to believe GOD is EXACTLY who HE said HE is! I've said it before and I'm going to say it again, like a drill sergeant, until it gets into your head, heart, and spirit.

John 10:10
The thief (that's Satan) comes only to:
  • kill
  • steal
  • destroy
but check out the 2nd part of that verse...

JESUS said, I have come to give you:

  • LIFE
Now, connect the two in a parallel study. It's the GREAT EXCHANGE, which ONLY JESUS can do! This is a WONDERFULLY, POWERFULLY packed scripture! It's just ONE verse, but MAN, is it POWERFUL!!!

Maybe you didn't see it before or get it before, I mean TRULY GET IT!!!


  • what was killed by the enemy is brought to LIFE by JESUS!
  • what was stolen by the enemy is returned in ABUNDANCE by JESUS!!
  • what was destroyed by the enemy is restored in FULLNESS by JESUS!!! 
Hallelujah! You should be shouting right about now! If you're not shouting, then you either didn't get the simple, yet life altering truth that I just unpacked for you, or you've never had anything taken from you (in which case, I'd sure like to meet you). Check your pulse. Are you alive? Come on and praise God, somebody! That's such a GOOD WORD!!! Let it sink in! MARINATE in that TRUTH!

I don't know about you, but I have had the enemy kill, steal, and bring destruction in my life way too many times. I am sick and tired of it and this year I determine NO MORE! My gloves are off! I am drawing the line in the sand! I am crossing the Jordan and taking back ALL the enemy has stolen! I am NOT taking NO for an answer anymore and I am NOT negotiating with Satan!

7 times the enemy has to repay and I intend to RECOVER ALL!!! I refuse to be devastated and decimated! I am not going to cower or cringe in the corner! I am not going to lay down and die! Oh No, No, NO! You got the wrong one on the wrong day, devil! You don't know who you are messing with! I am a FIERCE LIONESS and I am ready to fight, bite, roar, and war!

The enemy is our enemy. He's a TERRORIST! We do NOT negotiate with Terrorists! There is NO truth in him! His M.O. NEVER changes, so it's time to call him out and call him on his junk! The book of Genesis declares the woman and her seed would have ENMITY for the enemy. That's INTENSE, EVER INCREASING HOSTILITIES and HATRED that GROWS EXPONENTIALLY from GENERATION to GENERATION! It's time to get righteously indignant with the enemy! No more miss nicey nice (ladies) and no more Mr. Nice Guy (men)!

The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by FORCE!!! Matthew 11:12

So, dear ones, it's time to fight! This seems to be our anthem and battle cry for 2014 and it's OK, because for too long we've let the enemy walk all over us. I'm declaring, proclaiming, and decreeing NO MORE! This is NOT AN OPTION!!! It's a NEW YEAR! It's a NEW DAY! The OLD Wendy is dead and gone! I am determined to make the enemy rue the day he ever thought about messing with me! When he hears my name he's gonna run in fear in Jesus' name!

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