Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's Time For Your Breakthrough!

I am so EXCITED about all that God is getting ready to do this year! I have such an EXPECTANCY in my spirit that I can hardly contain! We have to establish some truths here and now about God, right now at the start of this year, in order to be READY to step into ALL that He has for us!


1) GOD is ABLE! NOTHING (not 1 thing; big or small) is IMPOSSIBLE with HIM! In fact, ALL THINGS are POSSIBLE with HIM and NOTHING is TOO HARD for GOD!

2) The Kingdom of God suffers VIOLENCE, and the VIOLENT take it by FORCE! (Matthew 11:12)
Did you get that? The Kingdom of God is NOT exempt from violence. Where does this come from? I'm glad you asked. John 10:10 gives us the answer and it is the Enemy, Satan - the prince of the power of the air. That's his title, but WE outrank him! We are Sons and Daughters of the Most High God and that trumps all of Satan's authority! This leads me to point #3.

3) Jesus said ALL POWER and AUTHORITY was given to us. (Luke 10:19) Power to trample on snakes and scorpions, and ALL power over the enemy. What more do we need to KNOW that we know that we know that we have MORE THAN ENOUGH to beat Satan. Jesus said it, so that's good enough for me. I don't have to listen to one more lie. I don't have to shrink back to one more accusation. I don't have to take one more attack. It's time for me to fight back! And it's time for you to fight back too! GET UP! Don't you lay down and die! The enemy may have taken an inch from you, but don't give him a mile. You take a mile! GO GET IT!

4) Vengeance is the Lord's! (Romans 12:19) The Lord will repay it. Just remember that we are not fighting flesh and blood (people), but the enemy and all of his evil cohorts. (Ephesians 6:12). So, the Lord brings vengeance on the enemy, not people. Keep the proper perspective. It's the enemy behind it all anyway. So, ask the Lord to bring vengeance on the enemy and not people. He has to flea 7 ways and pay back 7 times what he stole from you, so you ask God for it in your health, finances, salvations in your family, friends, and co-workers, and peace. (Deuteronomy 28:7, Proverbs 6:31).

5) When you have done the will of God, all you need is patience for Him to bring forth your promises (Hebrews 10:36). You know He will, because He's God and He is faithful. He never lies. He will do what He promised you. (Deuteronomy 7:9, Numbers 23:19).

So, Dear Ones, it's time to fight. It's time take back ALL that's yours. It's time to believe and trust God! Do not shrink back. You surge ahead in Jesus' name!

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