Wednesday, October 16, 2013

FIERCE: Move that mountain with fasting, prayer, giving, and the power of the Holy Spirit who is in you

This past weekend I was at a Women's Ministry Conference called Fierce. This was a gathering of close to 2000 women from all over the state of Florida. Our Fierce leader - Marsha Woolley spoke on Girls With Swords from Lisa Bevere's next best selling book. Friday morning, night, and Saturday morning our guest speaker - Karen Wheaton shared what the Holy Spirit laid on her heart. She also brought with her Chosen - a worship and creative arts dance and praise team of kids that rocked the house and brought spot on words from God's lips to our ears. Pastor J - the worship leader from Victorious Life Church in Tampa led worship. It was life changing worship. I mean, out of this world. The tangible presence of God was so real, so evident. I set my mind and determined to worship with all my might. I went for it 1000%.

Now, I know what the men are saying that are reading this. Why is she sharing this on the main blog? Why not share it on the women's blog? Well guys, I am glad you asked. You see, there is much to gain from what I am about to share. So, don't tune me out. There are many golden nuggets of truth in this post for you too men. So, please read on. Please think how you can apply what is here in your own life, because it really applies across the board to the whole body of Christ.

A Word from the Lord given by one of the members of Chosen:

Isaiah 65:1 - The Lord was ready to respond, but no one asked for help.
  • The enemy is attacking your voice to silence you, so there will be no results.
  • Move the mountain by speaking to it.
  • What you speak is what you believe.
  • Things have to change, because it's His Word!
  • Darkness has NO choice! It has to get out of the way.

Message 1 from one of the members of Chosen:

Luke 1 - Elizabeth and Zacharias were Consecrated Ones - set apart for God.
  • Delay does NOT mean denial!
  • The greater the impact of the calling, gifting, purpose, or plan, the greater the fight is for it to come to pass.
  • For with God, NOTHING is impossible!
  • Fast again!
  • Pray again!
  • Give again!
  • The enemy is holding your promise because he knows how it will impact the world.

Message 2 from one of the members of Chosen:
  • The Holy Spirit lives in you.
  • You have POWER!
  • You do NOT have a spirit of fear. You have POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND!
  • You are the dwelling place of God.
  • In the moment of temptation, you have power to choose.
  • You have the power to activate the power of the Holy Spirit in you - or - stay unplugged from Him. The choice is yours.
  • Our thoughts dictate our feelings.
  • Actively plant every word in your life.
  • Women - don't blame hormones. His Spirit is in you and is greater than hormones.
  • In those moments of temptation or weakness, choose the presence of the Holy Spirit in you.
  • When you lose control of your self, that's when you lose the respect of those watching you.
  • Underline this, 2 Timothy 2:20-22.
  • When you choose to act (not react) according to the Holy Spirit, it feeds someone else around you.
  • Remember the power that you have.

Church, let's take out God's weapons of mass destruction against the enemy. It's time to pray again. Time to fast again. Time to give again. The battle is already won. It was settled at Calvary. The victory is all ours.

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