Monday, April 21, 2014

Women of Influence ~ Daughters of the King: JOIN THE MINISTRY-MOVEMENT!

Hello Beautiful Ones!

Welcome to Women of Influence ~ Daughters of the King!

This is the beginning of a ministry-movement! It is open to all women of faith in God as their Daddy. This makes you His Daughter, which is what makes you a Woman of Influence. This page is just the beginning and a place to offer encouragement and build sisterhood.

This ministry-movement is both local and global. It includes like women of faith in your circle of life and local church. However, it goes far beyond that. It is not just a ministry or a movement of any one church, but a ministry-movement across the face of the earth!

The name and logo have been officially trademarked by me for the expressed purpose of bringing unity of God's Daughters across the earth, equipping, encouraging, and empowering Women of Influence.

Ask yourself this question: When we awaken to our soul purpose, what can we accomplish for our King? As united sisters across the earth, what can we not do? All things are possible!
A website is coming soon, so stay tuned! In the meantime, join the ministry-movement and invite other women of faith to join.

Many of our sisters need encouragement and to be empowered to know who they are in Christ, and what they can do for Him and His Kingdom!

It's time to rise up in faith sisters! You are needed! Each of you has a God given purpose to fulfill on this earth. Only you can fill your role! People are waiting for you. Nations are calling you! Will you answer the call?

God bless you all!

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