Friday, December 19, 2014
Be Real to Heal!
...and this is WHY I wrote my book, #DADDYISSUES! This troubled little boy is honest about why he's hurting and knows what he needs. How many of us adults are in this same situation, but because we're all grown up, we hide it, cover it up, and won't talk about it honestly. I invite you to get my book for yourself or someone you know who is struggling with hurt, pain, and unresolved business, due to Daddy Issues. Visit my website to purchase your own copy of my book, and I will personalize & sign it. What a great Christmas gift!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Facebook has been a buzz with all of the Ice Bucket Challenges for ALS research. It's great to see so many involved in this challenge to raise awareness, and hopefully money for a cure. I applaud the people who are brave enough to dump icy cold water on themselves, for the benefit of others.
I am just wondering how many people really know what they are doing and why? How many people actually know what ALS is, how many Americans are diagnosed with it, and how research is being conducted in the name of finding a cure. According to some US statistics, about 5,600 Americans every year are diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Approximately 30,000 Americans suffer from this neurodegenerative disease, which weakens the body's muscles. Progression of the disease results in the inability to move one's limbs, paralysis, and death.
This disease is awful! My heart and prayers goes out to the people who suffer from it. I'm sure none of us can relate to the pain, agony, loss of independence, and the mental anguish that people with ALS and their families go through.
However, I feel it is important to bring some very important facts to light here. Research that is being done in the search for a cure for ALS involves stem cell research. Now, let's be clear on some things, before we go any further. ALS is NOT the only disease for which stem cell research is being conducted. There are a slew of other diseases for which this research is being conducted. Stem cell research has been around for a while and is HIGHLY controversial!
There are two types of stem cell research being conducted. One involves taking cells from adults, while the other takes cells from human embryos. Stem cells can be easily extracted from adults (particularly from bone marrow, or skin cells), which is relatively painless and easy. However, for embryonic stem cell research, embryos are made in a lab. Stem cells are used from these embryos, which destroys the embryo. Unused embryos are frozen and later discarded. Either way, embryos are being destroyed.
The debate is over whether or not an embryo is considered a "human," that has "life." Scientists in favor of using human embryos in research say no, it's not a human, and no it is not living. Their argument is based on the fact that the embryos are made in a lab through in vitro fertilization. Many people in the scientific community argue that since these embryos are not taken from a woman's womb, it does not matter.
There are many people who disagree with embryonic stem cell research, because of religious reasons. Whether it was made in a lab or not, is not the point! The point amongst many in this community is that once there is fertilization of the egg, resulting in human conception and the multiplication of cells, there is life; human life! To destroy that life, whether by conducting experiments that destroys the human embryo, or by discarding the unused human embryo, does not matter. Life is life, and it should be protected and preserved!
The fact that stem cells can be garnered from adults, without killing them, is the main argument against embryonic stem cell research. Presidents have debated over this and drawn lines in the sand. President Bush was NOT in favor of using embryos for stem cell research. He was so much opposed to it, that he signed executive orders against it. These were overturned by our current president, who is very much in favor of embryonic stem cell research.
There is also another method of gaining stem cells for research. The umbilical cords of newborn babies are full of highly viable stem cells. These umbilical cords can be frozen and used at later times for research. No death comes to the newborn baby, who no longer needs the umbilical cord. Since the umbilical cord is from a newborn baby, the stem cells are young, vibrant cells that can be used in research to potentially cure many diseases. So, there is another way that is win-win for both sides. Youthful, vibrant cells can be used, without there being death or destruction involved.
Unfortunately, embryonic stem cells are being used now, more than ever. This is because Obama overturned Bush's executive order against it. Many scientists say it's cheaper to use embryos for their stem cells than adults. While, I am sure we all want to see diseases cured, are we counting the cost to do so?
I post a challenge to all of the Ice Bucket Challengers. Do you KNOW the true affects of your challenge? Are you counting the entire cost? Most researchers, for cures for any disease, insist on using human embryos, despite the fact that no results or cures have been found, after conducting over 25 years of human embryonic stem cell research. The question you should ask yourself is this: Am I in full agreement with taking human life to do research, that may or may not save human life (as there is no guarantee the research will lead to a cure). I am not saying this to condemn anyone, but to educate everyone! If you choose to donate to research for a cure for ALS, or any other disease, PLEASE make sure human embryos are not killed in the process. There are two other options for researchers to use, that hurts no one, and preserves ALL life! I encourage you to support that kind of research.
I would caution everyone from just following the crowd or jumping on a band wagon, because something looks cool or is popular. Look deeper into it. KNOW all the facts, before you follow the crowd. We are living in days where it is so easy to join the crowd and do what everyone else is doing, but again I urge you to count the FULL cost of a thing, before you join in. This is true now with the ALS challenge and many more things to come in the very near future. We must educate ourselves and make wise choices, because in the end, they will matter and we will all have to explain ourselves.
I am just wondering how many people really know what they are doing and why? How many people actually know what ALS is, how many Americans are diagnosed with it, and how research is being conducted in the name of finding a cure. According to some US statistics, about 5,600 Americans every year are diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Approximately 30,000 Americans suffer from this neurodegenerative disease, which weakens the body's muscles. Progression of the disease results in the inability to move one's limbs, paralysis, and death.
This disease is awful! My heart and prayers goes out to the people who suffer from it. I'm sure none of us can relate to the pain, agony, loss of independence, and the mental anguish that people with ALS and their families go through.
However, I feel it is important to bring some very important facts to light here. Research that is being done in the search for a cure for ALS involves stem cell research. Now, let's be clear on some things, before we go any further. ALS is NOT the only disease for which stem cell research is being conducted. There are a slew of other diseases for which this research is being conducted. Stem cell research has been around for a while and is HIGHLY controversial!
There are two types of stem cell research being conducted. One involves taking cells from adults, while the other takes cells from human embryos. Stem cells can be easily extracted from adults (particularly from bone marrow, or skin cells), which is relatively painless and easy. However, for embryonic stem cell research, embryos are made in a lab. Stem cells are used from these embryos, which destroys the embryo. Unused embryos are frozen and later discarded. Either way, embryos are being destroyed.
The debate is over whether or not an embryo is considered a "human," that has "life." Scientists in favor of using human embryos in research say no, it's not a human, and no it is not living. Their argument is based on the fact that the embryos are made in a lab through in vitro fertilization. Many people in the scientific community argue that since these embryos are not taken from a woman's womb, it does not matter.
There are many people who disagree with embryonic stem cell research, because of religious reasons. Whether it was made in a lab or not, is not the point! The point amongst many in this community is that once there is fertilization of the egg, resulting in human conception and the multiplication of cells, there is life; human life! To destroy that life, whether by conducting experiments that destroys the human embryo, or by discarding the unused human embryo, does not matter. Life is life, and it should be protected and preserved!
The fact that stem cells can be garnered from adults, without killing them, is the main argument against embryonic stem cell research. Presidents have debated over this and drawn lines in the sand. President Bush was NOT in favor of using embryos for stem cell research. He was so much opposed to it, that he signed executive orders against it. These were overturned by our current president, who is very much in favor of embryonic stem cell research.
There is also another method of gaining stem cells for research. The umbilical cords of newborn babies are full of highly viable stem cells. These umbilical cords can be frozen and used at later times for research. No death comes to the newborn baby, who no longer needs the umbilical cord. Since the umbilical cord is from a newborn baby, the stem cells are young, vibrant cells that can be used in research to potentially cure many diseases. So, there is another way that is win-win for both sides. Youthful, vibrant cells can be used, without there being death or destruction involved.
Unfortunately, embryonic stem cells are being used now, more than ever. This is because Obama overturned Bush's executive order against it. Many scientists say it's cheaper to use embryos for their stem cells than adults. While, I am sure we all want to see diseases cured, are we counting the cost to do so?
I post a challenge to all of the Ice Bucket Challengers. Do you KNOW the true affects of your challenge? Are you counting the entire cost? Most researchers, for cures for any disease, insist on using human embryos, despite the fact that no results or cures have been found, after conducting over 25 years of human embryonic stem cell research. The question you should ask yourself is this: Am I in full agreement with taking human life to do research, that may or may not save human life (as there is no guarantee the research will lead to a cure). I am not saying this to condemn anyone, but to educate everyone! If you choose to donate to research for a cure for ALS, or any other disease, PLEASE make sure human embryos are not killed in the process. There are two other options for researchers to use, that hurts no one, and preserves ALL life! I encourage you to support that kind of research.
I would caution everyone from just following the crowd or jumping on a band wagon, because something looks cool or is popular. Look deeper into it. KNOW all the facts, before you follow the crowd. We are living in days where it is so easy to join the crowd and do what everyone else is doing, but again I urge you to count the FULL cost of a thing, before you join in. This is true now with the ALS challenge and many more things to come in the very near future. We must educate ourselves and make wise choices, because in the end, they will matter and we will all have to explain ourselves.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Making Sense of Trials and Testing
Have you ever had a test or a trial that seems to just go on and on and on? Have you ever felt like your back was against the wall and you were all alone, trying to fight your way out? Have you ever been pushed to the corner by life's circumstances and wondered. "where is God?" If you have, let me reassure you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
The tendency we all have here is to automatically think. "what did I do wrong?" You may also be tempted to think that God has forgotten you. We must be careful to not draw the wrong conclusions to something that we have limited perspective on. This type of thinking can lead you down a long trail on "pity party lane" to a table set for just 1. This is not where you want to be. This is the enemy's trap. Avoid it at all costs!
The best story in the Bible we have for this is found in the book of Job. Let's look at Job 1:6-12 to understand where trials and tests come from.
Then what happens next is NOTHING short of AMAZING! Job's life is restored! He is given back double all that he lost. He has more children. He regains his possessions, livestock, and wealth. His latter days are greater than his former days! Plus, he lives a long time to enjoy these blessings and restoration! That's how GOOD God is! He is faithful! He is for us; not against us! Even when we doubt Him and question Him, He is still faithful and true to complete the good work He began in us.
God is no respecter of persons, so what He did for Job, He WILL do for YOU! Put your trust, faith, and hope in Him. Remember, He is your ally. He is not your enemy.
One last thought, as I have been encouraging myself in my own Job-like circumstances...I was watching Hillsong this morning and was greatly encouraged. I will attach the links to the 2 videos for you here. I want to leave you with a scripture that Pastor Brian Houston pointed out in his teaching. It's found in Hebrews 10:9 NKJV. Sometimes God takes away things that are old or no longer good for you, so that He can bring in the "new," to establish you.
The tendency we all have here is to automatically think. "what did I do wrong?" You may also be tempted to think that God has forgotten you. We must be careful to not draw the wrong conclusions to something that we have limited perspective on. This type of thinking can lead you down a long trail on "pity party lane" to a table set for just 1. This is not where you want to be. This is the enemy's trap. Avoid it at all costs!
The best story in the Bible we have for this is found in the book of Job. Let's look at Job 1:6-12 to understand where trials and tests come from.
6 One day as the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, Satan, the Accuser, came with them.
7 “Where have you come from?” the Lord asked Satan. And Satan replied, “From earth, where I’ve been watching everything that’s going on.”
8 Then the Lord asked Satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth—a good man who fears God and will have nothing to do with evil.”
9 “Why shouldn’t he when you pay him so well?” Satan scoffed.
10 “You have always protected him and his home and his property from all harm. You have prospered everything he does—look how rich he is! No wonder he ‘worships’ you!
11 But just take away his wealth, and you’ll see him curse you to your face!”
12-13 And the Lord replied to Satan, “You may do anything you like with his wealth, but don’t harm him physically.” So Satan went away; and sure enough, not long afterwards when Job’s sons and daughters were dining at the oldest brother’s house, tragedy struck.
We see here that the Accuser, who is Satan, comes to bring accusations to God concerning one of His most faithful and obedient servants, Job. Understand something here; this is ALWAYS how the Accuser works! He never stops! He never changes! This is his M.O. (Mode of Operation) Read John 10:10 and you will see that God is for you; willing to bring you a LIFE, saturated in ABUNDANCE, even to the point of OVERFLOW. On the flip side of that scripture, you will see that the enemy is against you; coming only to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY!
7 “Where have you come from?” the Lord asked Satan. And Satan replied, “From earth, where I’ve been watching everything that’s going on.”
8 Then the Lord asked Satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth—a good man who fears God and will have nothing to do with evil.”
9 “Why shouldn’t he when you pay him so well?” Satan scoffed.
10 “You have always protected him and his home and his property from all harm. You have prospered everything he does—look how rich he is! No wonder he ‘worships’ you!
11 But just take away his wealth, and you’ll see him curse you to your face!”
12-13 And the Lord replied to Satan, “You may do anything you like with his wealth, but don’t harm him physically.” So Satan went away; and sure enough, not long afterwards when Job’s sons and daughters were dining at the oldest brother’s house, tragedy struck.
We see here that the Accuser, who is Satan, comes to bring accusations to God concerning one of His most faithful and obedient servants, Job. Understand something here; this is ALWAYS how the Accuser works! He never stops! He never changes! This is his M.O. (Mode of Operation) Read John 10:10 and you will see that God is for you; willing to bring you a LIFE, saturated in ABUNDANCE, even to the point of OVERFLOW. On the flip side of that scripture, you will see that the enemy is against you; coming only to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY!
We see the Lord answers Satan here with permission to attack Job. Now, STOP right there! I KNOW exactly what you are thinking..."What kind of God allows the enemy to attack us?" We think this way, because we want to avoid the pain, the hurt, the trial, and the test. We are no seeing the BIG picture from God's perspective. See, God wants to know that you are sold out to Him. He wants to know that no matter what comes your way, He still has your heart and your obedience. He wants to know that you love Him, whether He gives or takes away. He wants to know that you won't abandon Him when hardships and rough times come!
We forget that God desires a RELATIONSHIP with us! He has feelings. He has a heart that can be broken! He has a spirit that can be grieved! Just like you want to know that the one you love will never leave you, so does God. He wants to know that it's you and Him against the world. God wants all of you, all of the time.
Aside from that, God really wants to stick it in Satan's face that you love God and you CHOOSE HIM over everything else in life; especially all of the trials, tricks, temptations, and tests the enemy wants to send your way. It's like when you want to show off your love for someone to others, because you want them to know that you are happy. It's that, "in your face" action that you take to show off your love; especially to your enemies and to the naysayers.
God is absolutely, unequivocally, passionately, unashamedly, undeniably, madly, in LOVE with YOU! He is jealous for all of you and all of your attention, because He is CRAZY about you! I'm not talking psycho stalker crazy. I mean, romantically crazy; like you're the 1st person He thinks about in the morning, as He has waited all night just to talk to you again. Yours is the voice He longs to hear before you go to bed, at night. He can't wait to see you again, talk to you again, love on you again!
Let's go back to Job for just a moment. If you read the rest of the story, you see that he was really tried, tested, and put through the ringer. Yet, He never abandoned God. He questioned why God let this happen to him, which is a very natural, gut reaction to losing all of your children, possessions, and wealth. You'd be screaming too! The thing to understand here is that God loves you so much, you can do this. He's a BIG God and He can handle it. He knows sometimes He just needs to hold you and let you cry. He knows sometimes He just needs to sit quietly and listen to you, as you vent and let it all out. He knows that and He's prepared for that, Dear One! You won't offend Him or scare Him off.
Job didn't understand it. He took a quick evaluation of his life and he knew he had done nothing wrong. So, he struggled with the "why" question. He cried out, as he was mourning his losses. While he never cursed God, he did question God. He wanted to know why. His perspective was so obstructed that he could not see God for who He truly is. He lost his focus and began to step into very dangerous territory. He got really depressed and really low, as many of us would in the same situation. He got into a really dark place, where he began to regret his own life and wished he'd never been born. Have you been there; that low? Can you relate to Job?
The hard part is he had a wife that kept taunting and tempting him to "curse God and die." That's a horrible thing; no support system to help! His friends were no better. They kept poking, prodding, and digging for some hidden sin or something that Job must have done to bring this manner of destruction on. They were no help at all. Poor Job!
Then, God speaks and He seems a bit harsh in how He speaks to Job, but there is a higher reason for this. God is waking Job up to the reality of who He is and what He is able to do. He's shaking him from his depression and darkness to give him a different perspective. God knew Job was entering into a place that he needed to get away from quickly. It's the danger zone where hurt and pain can quickly shift to bitterness. Yes, Job loved God and No, he had not cursed God. However, he was looking for answers he could not find. His rational was dragging him deeper and deeper into a place of self pity and despair. He was in the realm of hopelessness when God stepped in to shatter the darkness.
This battery of questioning that God relentlessly put Job through was to rebuild Job's faith in who God is. It was to get rid of Job's stinking thinking. It was to bring Job up higher, out of the mire to see from a different vantage point. It was to give Job the perspective that he had lost. Notice, something clicks for Job in chapter 40, verses 3-5. Job awakens from his stupor and begins to breathe the fresh, clean air again.
It's like the scene from The Hobbit; The Desolation of Smaug. Bilbo realizes that he and his travel companions are in trouble. Their perspective is clogged by the stale air of the cursed forest they are in. He realizes he needs to climb up to gain direction and perspective. When he does, the fog in his head lifts and he sees clearly, thinks clearly, and is instantaneously re-focused and refreshed.
It's in Job 42:1-6 where Job fully comes back to his senses. He's snapped out of his pity party and has regained perspective. Check out what he says here:
Job Speaks: I Admit That I Was Wrong
42 Then Job answered the Lord,
2 “I know that you can do everything
and that your plans are unstoppable.
and that your plans are unstoppable.
3 “You said, ‘Who is this that belittles my advice
without having any knowledge about it?’
Yes, I have stated things I didn’t understand,
things too mysterious for me to know.
without having any knowledge about it?’
Yes, I have stated things I didn’t understand,
things too mysterious for me to know.
4 “You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak.
I will ask you, and you will teach me.’
5 I had heard about you with my own ears,
but now I have seen you with my own eyes.
6 That is why I take back what I said,
and I sit in dust and ashes to show that I am sorry.”
I will ask you, and you will teach me.’
5 I had heard about you with my own ears,
but now I have seen you with my own eyes.
6 That is why I take back what I said,
and I sit in dust and ashes to show that I am sorry.”
God is no respecter of persons, so what He did for Job, He WILL do for YOU! Put your trust, faith, and hope in Him. Remember, He is your ally. He is not your enemy.
One last thought, as I have been encouraging myself in my own Job-like circumstances...I was watching Hillsong this morning and was greatly encouraged. I will attach the links to the 2 videos for you here. I want to leave you with a scripture that Pastor Brian Houston pointed out in his teaching. It's found in Hebrews 10:9 NKJV. Sometimes God takes away things that are old or no longer good for you, so that He can bring in the "new," to establish you.
9 then He said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.” He takes away the first that He may establish the second.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Love and Respect - What's It All About?
The best book I ever read on these subjects has to be Dr. Emerson Eggerich's, "Love and Respect." I've read a lot of books on the subject and no one quite explains it like he does. He breaks this teaching down into easy, understandable, and practical advice that works. The idea is that men and women speak different languages. For men, RESPECT is their primary language. It is how they give and receive, and it is the very air that they breathe. For women, LOVE is their primary language. It is how they give and receive, and it is the very air that they breathe.
Husbands need to know that their wife respects them. They need to know that she honors and values him because of his unique abilities to protect and provide. He needs to know that she honors and values his physical strength and power. It does not matter whether he is a buff body builder or not. As long as he is respected as strong in her eyes is all that matters to him. Husbands also need to know that their wife is their confidant and will protect and secure his most vulnerable secrets. They need to know that what they do for the home and family is not overlooked. They need to know that their job and career is significant to their wife and that she supports him in this. Husbands also need to know they are handsome to their wives. They need to know they are her one and only champion whom she esteems high above all other men. They need to know that they have what it takes to make her happy in intimate ways.
Wives need to know they are loved for who they are and not how they look or what they weigh. Women are emotionally vulnerable, so they need to know that their husbands think they are the most beautiful woman in the world to their man. They need to know that his love is so deep that he would never consider any other woman. She needs to hear that she is loved and is beautiful to him. She needs to know that he would fight to defend her honor. She needs to feel safe because of him. She needs his emotional support and listening ear. She also needs his complements and love in small every day ways. Helping her with daily chores is money in the bank. She needs him to understand and be patient with her when she gets stressed out and cranky. It's not personal guys. It's hormones and yes, we need to work on it, instead of making excuses. The best way to diffuse the irritable time bomb is with love, love, love (and sometimes chocolate). She needs to know that no matter what her body type, she is loved, period.
There was a guest speaker, Rick Bezet, at my church a week ago and he took about 5 minutes at the beginning of his message to talk about love and marriage, as the Bible explains it. Here is the passage he quoted. It's from Ephesians 5:21-33 (God's Word translation).
25 Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. 26 He did this to make the church holy by cleansing it, washing it using water along with spoken words. 27 Then he could present it to himself as a glorious church, without any kind of stain or wrinkle—holy and without faults. 28 So husbands must love their wives as they love their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself. 29 No one ever hated his own body. Instead, he feeds and takes care of it, as Christ takes care of the church. 30 We are parts of his body. 31 That’s why a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will be one. 32 This is a great mystery. (I’m talking about Christ’s relationship to the church.) 33 But every husband must love his wife as he loves himself, and wives should respect their husbands.
Rick said a few very profound things in those brief 5 minutes that made me stop and think. For instance, he started with the S word, which many women hate because they don't understand it. SUBMISSION is the word we're talking about here. Side note: the BEST definition and explanation for this word I ever heard was from best selling author, Lisa Bevere. The prefix "sub" means under something. The root word, "mission" means assignment. So, submission means we are under the same assignment or mission.
Women also have trouble with the R word, which is RESPECT. It has a connotation of being under someone and needing to look up to them. However, the truth is it's mutual (this is plain to see in verse 21). The emphasis here is that it is the language men speak and receive. Hence, it is how women need to relate to and communicate with men.
Rick proceeded to explain this dynamic. Yes, wives are required to respect and submit to their husbands in these 4 verses. However, the man is called to a greater responsibility. The apostle Paul takes 8 verses to explain how husbands are required to LOVE their wives and lay down their lives for them. This is a far weightier command than to respect and submit. Put it this way ladies, would you rather respect and submit or die? It's funny when I put it that way, but there's something unique here. God requires the husband to give more than the wife. We should take notice and not minimize this.
If this is done properly, there is no problem with those pesky S and R words. If a man is willing to lay down his life for you, then you have no fear of abuse, him cheating on you, or anything else for that matter. As Rick put it, the husband is commanded to not only die to himself and lay down his life for his wife, but he is also commanded to love her as he loves himself.
Rick went on to explain that God commanded this, because He knows that women don't love themselves. We are so critical of how we look, what we weigh, and if our husband finds us attractive. Men, on the other hand love themselves regardless of fat, body hair, or blemishes. So, they can love their wives as themselves without question.
As she respects him and he loves her, something beautiful happens. Each of them are fulfilled, because they are speaking each other's language. The cycle continues in a healthy manner with the result being a happy, happy, happy marriage. This is the key to a strong and lasting marriage that meets one another's needs and brings true fulfillment.
One last thought on this subject. I can't remember who said it, but this is so true. Marriage is 2 imperfect people loving and respecting each other beyond faults and failures. This kind of love brings healing and restoration to the couple, as they each lend their strengths the other's weaknesses. It's about mercy & grace poured out for one another in the form of love and respect.
Husbands need to know that their wife respects them. They need to know that she honors and values him because of his unique abilities to protect and provide. He needs to know that she honors and values his physical strength and power. It does not matter whether he is a buff body builder or not. As long as he is respected as strong in her eyes is all that matters to him. Husbands also need to know that their wife is their confidant and will protect and secure his most vulnerable secrets. They need to know that what they do for the home and family is not overlooked. They need to know that their job and career is significant to their wife and that she supports him in this. Husbands also need to know they are handsome to their wives. They need to know they are her one and only champion whom she esteems high above all other men. They need to know that they have what it takes to make her happy in intimate ways.
Wives need to know they are loved for who they are and not how they look or what they weigh. Women are emotionally vulnerable, so they need to know that their husbands think they are the most beautiful woman in the world to their man. They need to know that his love is so deep that he would never consider any other woman. She needs to hear that she is loved and is beautiful to him. She needs to know that he would fight to defend her honor. She needs to feel safe because of him. She needs his emotional support and listening ear. She also needs his complements and love in small every day ways. Helping her with daily chores is money in the bank. She needs him to understand and be patient with her when she gets stressed out and cranky. It's not personal guys. It's hormones and yes, we need to work on it, instead of making excuses. The best way to diffuse the irritable time bomb is with love, love, love (and sometimes chocolate). She needs to know that no matter what her body type, she is loved, period.
There was a guest speaker, Rick Bezet, at my church a week ago and he took about 5 minutes at the beginning of his message to talk about love and marriage, as the Bible explains it. Here is the passage he quoted. It's from Ephesians 5:21-33 (God's Word translation).
21 Place yourselves under each other’s authority out of respect for Christ. 22 Wives, place yourselves under your husbands’ authority as you have placed yourselves under the Lord’s authority. 23 The husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. It is his body, and he is its Savior. 24 As the church is under Christ’s authority, so wives are under their husbands’ authority in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. 26 He did this to make the church holy by cleansing it, washing it using water along with spoken words. 27 Then he could present it to himself as a glorious church, without any kind of stain or wrinkle—holy and without faults. 28 So husbands must love their wives as they love their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself. 29 No one ever hated his own body. Instead, he feeds and takes care of it, as Christ takes care of the church. 30 We are parts of his body. 31 That’s why a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will be one. 32 This is a great mystery. (I’m talking about Christ’s relationship to the church.) 33 But every husband must love his wife as he loves himself, and wives should respect their husbands.
Rick said a few very profound things in those brief 5 minutes that made me stop and think. For instance, he started with the S word, which many women hate because they don't understand it. SUBMISSION is the word we're talking about here. Side note: the BEST definition and explanation for this word I ever heard was from best selling author, Lisa Bevere. The prefix "sub" means under something. The root word, "mission" means assignment. So, submission means we are under the same assignment or mission.
Women also have trouble with the R word, which is RESPECT. It has a connotation of being under someone and needing to look up to them. However, the truth is it's mutual (this is plain to see in verse 21). The emphasis here is that it is the language men speak and receive. Hence, it is how women need to relate to and communicate with men.
Rick proceeded to explain this dynamic. Yes, wives are required to respect and submit to their husbands in these 4 verses. However, the man is called to a greater responsibility. The apostle Paul takes 8 verses to explain how husbands are required to LOVE their wives and lay down their lives for them. This is a far weightier command than to respect and submit. Put it this way ladies, would you rather respect and submit or die? It's funny when I put it that way, but there's something unique here. God requires the husband to give more than the wife. We should take notice and not minimize this.
If this is done properly, there is no problem with those pesky S and R words. If a man is willing to lay down his life for you, then you have no fear of abuse, him cheating on you, or anything else for that matter. As Rick put it, the husband is commanded to not only die to himself and lay down his life for his wife, but he is also commanded to love her as he loves himself.
Rick went on to explain that God commanded this, because He knows that women don't love themselves. We are so critical of how we look, what we weigh, and if our husband finds us attractive. Men, on the other hand love themselves regardless of fat, body hair, or blemishes. So, they can love their wives as themselves without question.
As she respects him and he loves her, something beautiful happens. Each of them are fulfilled, because they are speaking each other's language. The cycle continues in a healthy manner with the result being a happy, happy, happy marriage. This is the key to a strong and lasting marriage that meets one another's needs and brings true fulfillment.
One last thought on this subject. I can't remember who said it, but this is so true. Marriage is 2 imperfect people loving and respecting each other beyond faults and failures. This kind of love brings healing and restoration to the couple, as they each lend their strengths the other's weaknesses. It's about mercy & grace poured out for one another in the form of love and respect.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Lions and Lionesses - What They Can Teach Us
Have you ever studied lions and lionesses? If not, you should. Their dynamic relationship can teach us much about how we should be in our relationships. I highly recommend the book, "Lioness Arising" by Lisa Bevere. It is an excellent book that explains the details of how a woman should view her role in her own family and world. While it is for women, men could get a lot of good insight out of it as well.
Before we go any further, let's get something out of the way. There are obvious differences between people and lions. So, this post is not meant to compare in every minor detail. For example, lions sleep most of their day away. We can not afford to do the same. The pride is comprised of several lionesses and an alpha male lion. We don't advocate polygamous relationships. You get the general idea. OK, now for the good stuff...
Men and women are quite different. Often times we don't get each other. There are loads of books on the differences between men and women, some of which are quite humorous. But what if we looked at what we have in common instead of focusing on our differences? What if we embraced our differences and utilized them in such a way that we garnered strength from one another for a common good?
For instance, men are strong and powerful. Their natural instinct is to provide and protect. While lionesses hunt and gather food and protect the pride from danger, we have to give the big guy props as well. He does his own share of fighting for dominance to protect the pride from other lions trying to front on his family.
Women are wise and nurturing. Men often times misunderstand and mistake our emotions for weakness. However, our emotions are what set us apart as unique and fierce fighters for what is good and right. This is why we love hard. We have a natural ability and instinct to help and care for others. When we see the need, we spring to action. Because of our emotions, we are always reaching out to others. Lionesses work hard gathering food, protecting the young (even cubs that are not their own), and even her mate. Lionesses work together for the good of the entire pride.
Men are like lions with strength and power. They are warriors. They are strongest with their arms stretched out in defense of what is right. This is how they bring justice.
Women are like lionesses who fiercely stand watch over their territory and pride. They bring life and goodness to their mate and cubs. They are strongest with their arms embracing people who are hurting.
The lion knows he needs the lioness and can not do life without her. He knows she brings him life. Therefore, he does not dominate her, but encourages her, in tenderness, to be all that she can be. The lioness knows this and chooses to do life with him. She willingly helps and supports him, because she knows they are under the same mission (this is the best definition and explanation of submission I have ever heard). They work together side by side, lending their individual strengths to cover the other's weaknesses.
Men and women are allies, not enemies. United and together we fight our common enemy. When we are working together in unity, we take back our dominion and we govern, rule, and reign with Christ. This is how we defeat the enemy and have victory!
Before we go any further, let's get something out of the way. There are obvious differences between people and lions. So, this post is not meant to compare in every minor detail. For example, lions sleep most of their day away. We can not afford to do the same. The pride is comprised of several lionesses and an alpha male lion. We don't advocate polygamous relationships. You get the general idea. OK, now for the good stuff...
Men and women are quite different. Often times we don't get each other. There are loads of books on the differences between men and women, some of which are quite humorous. But what if we looked at what we have in common instead of focusing on our differences? What if we embraced our differences and utilized them in such a way that we garnered strength from one another for a common good?
For instance, men are strong and powerful. Their natural instinct is to provide and protect. While lionesses hunt and gather food and protect the pride from danger, we have to give the big guy props as well. He does his own share of fighting for dominance to protect the pride from other lions trying to front on his family.
Women are wise and nurturing. Men often times misunderstand and mistake our emotions for weakness. However, our emotions are what set us apart as unique and fierce fighters for what is good and right. This is why we love hard. We have a natural ability and instinct to help and care for others. When we see the need, we spring to action. Because of our emotions, we are always reaching out to others. Lionesses work hard gathering food, protecting the young (even cubs that are not their own), and even her mate. Lionesses work together for the good of the entire pride.
Men are like lions with strength and power. They are warriors. They are strongest with their arms stretched out in defense of what is right. This is how they bring justice.
Women are like lionesses who fiercely stand watch over their territory and pride. They bring life and goodness to their mate and cubs. They are strongest with their arms embracing people who are hurting.
The lion knows he needs the lioness and can not do life without her. He knows she brings him life. Therefore, he does not dominate her, but encourages her, in tenderness, to be all that she can be. The lioness knows this and chooses to do life with him. She willingly helps and supports him, because she knows they are under the same mission (this is the best definition and explanation of submission I have ever heard). They work together side by side, lending their individual strengths to cover the other's weaknesses.
Men and women are allies, not enemies. United and together we fight our common enemy. When we are working together in unity, we take back our dominion and we govern, rule, and reign with Christ. This is how we defeat the enemy and have victory!
"This is the picture that the Enemy fears!
Men and Women working together for the cause of Christ!"
~Lisa Bevere
Monday, June 30, 2014
The Kiss of Judas
I recently listened to a message of Pastor Paula White's back from 2012. I was absolutely amazed by what she had to say about Judas. It is so insightful. I will share my thoughts on this and put the link to her message at the end, so that you may watch the video in its entirety. There's some very powerful truths here.
Many of us love to hate Judas. We've probably even thought he got what he deserved for betraying Jesus. Whether you hate him or not, Judas had a God ordained purpose in Jesus' life and ministry.
To understand this, we need to look at how Jesus responded to Judas, whom He knew was about to betray Him in the most heinous fashion. In Matthew 26:50 NIV we find Jesus calling Judas "friend." 50 Jesus replied, ‘Do what you came for, friend.’ In Hebrew, the word for friend is "Chaver." This is how Jesus refers to Judas, whom Satan had entered into.
Now, contrast this to what Jesus says to Peter in Matthew 16:23 NLV. 23 Then Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are standing in My way. You are not thinking how God thinks. You are thinking how man thinks.” These are harsh words for someone who was in the inner circle of a very close friendship with Jesus. Peter said what he said to Jesus out of love for Him. Peter did not want to see Jesus die, but He didn't understand God's ultimate plan.
So, what would make Jesus refer to one of His best friends as "Satan" and the disciple that is betraying Him as "Friend."? It all comes down to the will of God. Jesus was obedient to the will of His Father. We have much to learn from this truth. He did nothing without knowing that it was the Father's will. That alone should preach to all of us!
Jesus was and is our example for how we are to live, treat others, pray, minister to people, and serve God. He said we would be persecuted just like He was. He said the world hated Him and would treat us the same way. He is our pattern and our blueprint to follow.
Just as He had friends who needed correcting when they stepped out of God's will, so it is with us. Just as He had someone sent to betray Him in order to fulfill the Father's will, so it is with us. There is a connection here for us all to get. Further, Jesus led the way so we would know how to behave when the same things happened to us.
It was God's will for Jesus to be betrayed and go to the cross to die for all of our sins. If Peter could have stopped this (and we know how hard he tried), we'd all be lost. As painful as the whole process was (from the betrayal of a friend, to the 39 lashings, to the cross and an agonizing death), it HAD TO happen! The beauty in all of it is that God's plan for the redemption of all of humanity was hidden in the betrayal and death of Jesus.
So, now this is the important question for us. What is God's will for you and for your life? What is your path? Is it that job? Is that the person God says you are supposed to marry? What is the Father's will for your life Dear One?
Is it possible that the very ones who have hurt us the most in this life were meant to put us on the right path? What if your Betrayer's kiss was ordained to be the very thing to put you in perfect alignment with the Father's will? What if it's out of the pain and the hurt that something beautiful is the result? Is it beauty for ashes as the Bible tells us?
Makes you think differently about all those who've hurt you over your life, doesn't it? Love interests, best friends, parents, siblings, pastors, teachers, and so on... It's those that are closest to us that have the ability to hurt us the most. It's not our enemies.
The key is in your response to it all. Are you thankful for the Judases that God has sent into your life to bring about the Father's perfect will for you? Do you embrace their betrayal or reject it? Think about it. These betrayals of Judas are the keys to our breakthroughs. The quicker we can retrain our brain to accept this as something that is actually good for us, the faster we'll break through!
Remember, Jesus is our example. So, think about it as He would. He called Judas "friend."
Many of us love to hate Judas. We've probably even thought he got what he deserved for betraying Jesus. Whether you hate him or not, Judas had a God ordained purpose in Jesus' life and ministry.
To understand this, we need to look at how Jesus responded to Judas, whom He knew was about to betray Him in the most heinous fashion. In Matthew 26:50 NIV we find Jesus calling Judas "friend." 50 Jesus replied, ‘Do what you came for, friend.’ In Hebrew, the word for friend is "Chaver." This is how Jesus refers to Judas, whom Satan had entered into.
Now, contrast this to what Jesus says to Peter in Matthew 16:23 NLV. 23 Then Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are standing in My way. You are not thinking how God thinks. You are thinking how man thinks.” These are harsh words for someone who was in the inner circle of a very close friendship with Jesus. Peter said what he said to Jesus out of love for Him. Peter did not want to see Jesus die, but He didn't understand God's ultimate plan.
So, what would make Jesus refer to one of His best friends as "Satan" and the disciple that is betraying Him as "Friend."? It all comes down to the will of God. Jesus was obedient to the will of His Father. We have much to learn from this truth. He did nothing without knowing that it was the Father's will. That alone should preach to all of us!
Jesus was and is our example for how we are to live, treat others, pray, minister to people, and serve God. He said we would be persecuted just like He was. He said the world hated Him and would treat us the same way. He is our pattern and our blueprint to follow.
Just as He had friends who needed correcting when they stepped out of God's will, so it is with us. Just as He had someone sent to betray Him in order to fulfill the Father's will, so it is with us. There is a connection here for us all to get. Further, Jesus led the way so we would know how to behave when the same things happened to us.
It was God's will for Jesus to be betrayed and go to the cross to die for all of our sins. If Peter could have stopped this (and we know how hard he tried), we'd all be lost. As painful as the whole process was (from the betrayal of a friend, to the 39 lashings, to the cross and an agonizing death), it HAD TO happen! The beauty in all of it is that God's plan for the redemption of all of humanity was hidden in the betrayal and death of Jesus.
So, now this is the important question for us. What is God's will for you and for your life? What is your path? Is it that job? Is that the person God says you are supposed to marry? What is the Father's will for your life Dear One?
Is it possible that the very ones who have hurt us the most in this life were meant to put us on the right path? What if your Betrayer's kiss was ordained to be the very thing to put you in perfect alignment with the Father's will? What if it's out of the pain and the hurt that something beautiful is the result? Is it beauty for ashes as the Bible tells us?
Makes you think differently about all those who've hurt you over your life, doesn't it? Love interests, best friends, parents, siblings, pastors, teachers, and so on... It's those that are closest to us that have the ability to hurt us the most. It's not our enemies.
The key is in your response to it all. Are you thankful for the Judases that God has sent into your life to bring about the Father's perfect will for you? Do you embrace their betrayal or reject it? Think about it. These betrayals of Judas are the keys to our breakthroughs. The quicker we can retrain our brain to accept this as something that is actually good for us, the faster we'll break through!
Remember, Jesus is our example. So, think about it as He would. He called Judas "friend."
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Let it go
This is an excerpt from a chapter in my book, "Daddy Issues," which will be available this fall.
There is a reason why the song, “Let it Go” from Frozen was so popular. There is so much truth to it. The world wants us to hold onto the pain of the past. “Don’t let them in.” “Don’t let them see.” “Be the good girl (boy, man, or woman) you always have to be.” “Conceal, don’t feel.” “Don’t let them know” are all lies the enemy hopes we’ll all fall for. No one was made to take that much pressure. The truth is freeing. Being genuine, real, and authentic are the keys to your freedom.
“A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I’m the Queen” (or King) is exactly what the enemy wants you to feel like. He wants you to think you are all alone in your battle. He wants you to think that bad things only happen to you and he wants you to go off by yourself where you are easier to attack. The top predators on the savannah of Africa know that in order to go in for the kill, they have to drive their prey away from the safety and the protection of the herd. The enemy works the same way with us.
Now think about your situation and circumstances. Get ready to release all of that junk from your past. All the hurt, all the pain, every last bit of it is getting ready to vacate your heart and mind. It’s not going to hold you back or control your future any longer. Are you ready to sing it? Go ahead and belt it out!
“Let it go, let it go”
“Can't hold it back anymore”
“Can't hold it back anymore”
“Let it go, let it go”
“Turn away and slam the door (on your past)”
“I don't care”
“what they're going to say”
“Let the storm rage on.”
“The cold (that situation) never bothered me anyway”
“Turn away and slam the door (on your past)”
“I don't care”
“what they're going to say”
“Let the storm rage on.”
“The cold (that situation) never bothered me anyway”
Ahhhh! A breath of fresh air just entered your lungs and you feel lighter already. You’re not done yet. There’s more to sing. It’s time to go full throttle for your healing, restoration, and breakthrough. Are you ready? Here comes the second verse. One, two, three, go!
“It's funny how some distance”
“Makes everything seem small”
“And the fears that once controlled me”
“Can't get to me at all”
“Makes everything seem small”
“And the fears that once controlled me”
“Can't get to me at all”
“It's time to see what I can do”
“To test the limits and breakthrough” (The enemy puts limits on us, but we can breakthrough them)
“To test the limits and breakthrough” (The enemy puts limits on us, but we can breakthrough them)
I’m sorry to break into your song, but I must tell you that there is right and wrong and rules we must all follow. This is what keeps chaos and confusion at bay. The good news is right and wrong and rules are for our good and protection. If you had a young child and you let him do anything he wanted, he could get hurt. If you let him play in the street, he could get hit by a car. So, making a rule that he cannot play in the street protects him and keeps him safe. It’s wrong to kill someone. If this was a right, then murder could be justified and none of us want that. Right and wrong and rules are a good thing.
Now the next part is amazingly great news! The Bible says this in John 8:36 NKJV, “36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” Jesus is the Son of God who came to set us free from all of the bondages and tricks of the enemy. So, now you can resume the song with a hearty declaration.
“I'm free!”
“Let it go, let it go”
As much as I love Frozen, we are not fairytale prince and princesses with magical powers, so we are not “one with the wind and sky.” Don’t be bummed out by that. I have more good news for you. You can be one with your Creator God. In fact, that is what He wants. He loves you that much and He wants a relationship with you like a husband and wife have. The Bible says a husband and wife become one flesh. Now, God is not flesh. He’s spirit. So, His desire is that you would be one with Him in spirit. Okay, keep on singing…
“Let it go, let it go”
“You'll never see me cry” (Tell the enemy he can’t get to you)
“Here I stand” (Draw the line in the sand today)
“And here I'll stay” (Be bold and courageous. Do not fear)
“Let the storm rage on”
“You'll never see me cry” (Tell the enemy he can’t get to you)
“Here I stand” (Draw the line in the sand today)
“And here I'll stay” (Be bold and courageous. Do not fear)
“Let the storm rage on”
“I'm never going back, the past is in the past” (This is the key to it all my friends)
“Let it go, let it go”
“And I'll rise like the break of dawn” (Beauty for ashes, He makes all things new)
“Let it go, let it go”
“That perfect girl (or guy) is gone” (Simply because no one is perfect, so stop pretending)
“Here I stand” (Declare this is your moment of breakthrough from the past)
“In the light of day”(Truth always brings what’s hidden in the dark to the light)
“Let the storm rage on”
“And I'll rise like the break of dawn” (Beauty for ashes, He makes all things new)
“Let it go, let it go”
“That perfect girl (or guy) is gone” (Simply because no one is perfect, so stop pretending)
“Here I stand” (Declare this is your moment of breakthrough from the past)
“In the light of day”(Truth always brings what’s hidden in the dark to the light)
“Let the storm rage on”
“The cold (that situation) never bothered me anyway!”
“Let it Go” was composed by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez for the 2013 Disney movie Frozen.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Running ahead of Jesus
Have you ever been so excited for the next season or a promise that God gave you that you actually ran ahead of God? God speaks to us in a whisper, so if you get ahead of Him, you can not hear Him. If you ever find yourself in this place, here's what you need to do...
Now, some words of wisdom...
The Ark of the Covenant is a typology for the Presence of God, which we now have in Jesus, through the power of The Holy Spirit. He is The One we follow today. Notice, the instructions were to stay a certain distance behind the ark, not in front of it, nor beside it. Jesus however, has a relationship with us, so we can in fact walk along with Him, beside Him. Sometimes, you may want to walk behind Him, especially if you are a little afraid to walk in the situation. You can hide in and behind Him. He is your protection and He does understand those times when you need to do this. However, He desires a relationship with you, so He wants you by His side, as you walk through the situation together.
So Dear Ones, NEVER walk, or run ahead of Him... Not even 1 step ahead of Him. Always walk beside or behind Him.
- STOP right where you are and don't move in any direction, until you have assessed the situation and have a clear vision on where to go next.
- EVALUATE. Ask yourself why you got ahead of God. Be honest with yourself. Were you impatient or were you pushing for your way and not God's way?
- REPENT. This is not a bad word. It actually means to do an about face and walk the other direction of where you were walking. Tell the Lord you are sorry for running ahead of Him and ask Him to forgive you, then turn around and start walking back to His side.
- CHOOSE WISELY. If you want your way, make no mistake about it - you will get your way, which in the end you will see is not what you wanted or at least not the way you wanted it. God's ways are always better.
- PRAISE! Don't whine, gripe, or complain about the situation you are supposed to be trusting God for. Praise Him instead. Praise gets God's attention and expedites the process, because you are seeking Him and not things.
- BELIEVE! Don't doubt what He told you about that situation. Put your emotions in check, so they don't get the better of you as you wait on God. Ask the Holy Spirit for help with this daily.
Now, some words of wisdom...
- God knows your heart's desires and He is always working ALL things for your good. Be patient. You don't want to rush His timing or force His hand. It has to be His way and in His timing. It's like baking a cake. If you get impatient and try to eat it before it is fully baked, you will not enjoy the undercooked part of it, and it may even make you sick.
- If it's a person you are praying for, God loves that person more than you do. He is crazy about that person, so you can rest in the knowing that God is working ALL things for that person's good, as well as yours.
- God can NOT work out your situation when you try to work on it yourself. You have to keep your hands off the matter and let Him be who He is. We forget that He is the indisputable, unmatchable, all powerful, Creator God. He created the whole world in 6 days, so what is your situation to Him? Remember, NOTHING is too hard or too difficult for God. With Him, ALL things are possible.
- Don't run ahead of God mentally, emotionally, or otherwise. This is where the enemy comes in to steal your peace, rob your joy, and kill your dream. This is where the old you rears his/her ugly head. Doubt and disappointment will become your new companions in this place, and you don't want them to be on this journey with you.
- Remember, God needs to be your #1, your first, and your sole focus. His promise to us in His word is that if we put Him first, seek Him first, above all things, then He will provide for and add blessings on you for what you are seeking. See Matthew 6:33.
- You must stay close to the Lord, for you do not know the way the Lord is going, or how He is going to work out your situation. In Joshua 3:1-5, we see the Children of Israel, about to cross the River Jordan into the Promised Land the Lord was giving to them. The instructions Joshua gives to the people are highly symbolic of our modern-day situations and issues.
1 Joshua got up early the next morning. He and all the Israelites left Shittim. They came to the Jordan River, where they camped before crossing.
2 Three days later the officers went through the camp. 3 They told the people, “As soon as you see the ark of the promise of the Lord your God and the Levitical priests who carry it, break camp and follow them. 4 However, stay about half a mile behind them. Don’t come any closer to them so that you will know which way to go because you have not gone this way before.”
5 Joshua told the people, “Perform the ceremonies to make yourselves holy because tomorrow the Lord will do miracles among you.”
The Ark of the Covenant is a typology for the Presence of God, which we now have in Jesus, through the power of The Holy Spirit. He is The One we follow today. Notice, the instructions were to stay a certain distance behind the ark, not in front of it, nor beside it. Jesus however, has a relationship with us, so we can in fact walk along with Him, beside Him. Sometimes, you may want to walk behind Him, especially if you are a little afraid to walk in the situation. You can hide in and behind Him. He is your protection and He does understand those times when you need to do this. However, He desires a relationship with you, so He wants you by His side, as you walk through the situation together.
So Dear Ones, NEVER walk, or run ahead of Him... Not even 1 step ahead of Him. Always walk beside or behind Him.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Women of Influence ~ Daughters of the King: JOIN THE MINISTRY-MOVEMENT!
Hello Beautiful Ones!
Welcome to Women of Influence ~ Daughters of the King!
This is the beginning of a ministry-movement! It is open to all women of faith in God as their Daddy. This makes you His Daughter, which is what makes you a Woman of Influence. This page is just the beginning and a place to offer encouragement and build sisterhood.
This ministry-movement is both local and global. It includes like women of faith in your circle of life and local church. However, it goes far beyond that. It is not just a ministry or a movement of any one church, but a ministry-movement across the face of the earth!
The name and logo have been officially trademarked by me for the expressed purpose of bringing unity of God's Daughters across the earth, equipping, encouraging, and empowering Women of Influence.
Ask yourself this question: When we awaken to our soul purpose, what can we accomplish for our King? As united sisters across the earth, what can we not do? All things are possible!
A website is coming soon, so stay tuned! In the meantime, join the ministry-movement and invite other women of faith to join.
Many of our sisters need encouragement and to be empowered to know who they are in Christ, and what they can do for Him and His Kingdom!
It's time to rise up in faith sisters! You are needed! Each of you has a God given purpose to fulfill on this earth. Only you can fill your role! People are waiting for you. Nations are calling you! Will you answer the call?
God bless you all!
Welcome to Women of Influence ~ Daughters of the King!
This ministry-movement is both local and global. It includes like women of faith in your circle of life and local church. However, it goes far beyond that. It is not just a ministry or a movement of any one church, but a ministry-movement across the face of the earth!
The name and logo have been officially trademarked by me for the expressed purpose of bringing unity of God's Daughters across the earth, equipping, encouraging, and empowering Women of Influence.
Ask yourself this question: When we awaken to our soul purpose, what can we accomplish for our King? As united sisters across the earth, what can we not do? All things are possible!
A website is coming soon, so stay tuned! In the meantime, join the ministry-movement and invite other women of faith to join.
Many of our sisters need encouragement and to be empowered to know who they are in Christ, and what they can do for Him and His Kingdom!
It's time to rise up in faith sisters! You are needed! Each of you has a God given purpose to fulfill on this earth. Only you can fill your role! People are waiting for you. Nations are calling you! Will you answer the call?
God bless you all!
Monday, April 14, 2014
Passover and The Open Doors
Passover has arrived and with it many amazing opportunities. It is the year 5774 on the Hebrew calendar. It is known as the year of the open doors. How appropriate is that, since Passover was the time when the children of Israel applied the blood of the Passover Lamb to the door of their homes, so that the death angel would pass over them.
Jesus is our Passover Lamb and in this year of the open doors, we know He is more than able to protect us from all evil, provide a way of escape for us from our enemies, and provide for our future. Do you trust Him with this completely?
Not only is tonight Passover, but it is also a rare occurrence of a blood moon. Now, this is nothing to be afraid of, but we should take notice of the seasons and the times we are living in. There is something uniquely significant to this time. Let's view it as a time to seek the Lord and all that He has planned for us in this season as He leads us through the open doors that He has placed before us.
This is a time of expectancy! This is a time of no more delay! Just read Ezekiel 12:21-28 (NIV).
26 The word of the Lord came to me: 27 “Son of man, the Israelites are saying, ‘The vision he sees is for many years from now, and he prophesies about the distant future.’
28 “Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: None of my words will be delayed any longer; whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign Lord.’”
Jesus is our Passover Lamb and in this year of the open doors, we know He is more than able to protect us from all evil, provide a way of escape for us from our enemies, and provide for our future. Do you trust Him with this completely?
Not only is tonight Passover, but it is also a rare occurrence of a blood moon. Now, this is nothing to be afraid of, but we should take notice of the seasons and the times we are living in. There is something uniquely significant to this time. Let's view it as a time to seek the Lord and all that He has planned for us in this season as He leads us through the open doors that He has placed before us.
This is a time of expectancy! This is a time of no more delay! Just read Ezekiel 12:21-28 (NIV).
There Will Be No Delay
21 The word of the Lord came to me: 22 “Son of man, what is this proverb you have in the land of Israel: ‘The days go by and every vision comes to nothing’? 23 Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am going to put an end to this proverb, and they will no longer quote it in Israel.’ Say to them, ‘The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled. 24 For there will be no more false visions or flattering divinations among the people of Israel. 25 But I the Lord will speak what I will, and it shall be fulfilled without delay. For in your days, you rebellious people, I will fulfill whatever I say, declares the Sovereign Lord.’”26 The word of the Lord came to me: 27 “Son of man, the Israelites are saying, ‘The vision he sees is for many years from now, and he prophesies about the distant future.’
28 “Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: None of my words will be delayed any longer; whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign Lord.’”
Monday, April 7, 2014
Whose Plan Are You Following?
Abraham had his plans, but God had another plan.
Instead of waiting patiently for the promises of God, Abraham followed the advice of his wife to take her servant girl. Abraham and Sarah thought they were helping God fulfill His plan, in doing so. However, what resulted was the birth of Ishmael and their house was never the same, nor our world for that matter. Jealousy, envy, bitterness, anger, and many more emotions resulted from man doing it his way. Strife and animosity, regret and shame were also present because of this choice to not wait on God and His perfect timing and plan. A rivalry between two people groups still exists to this day. This still results in wars in the middle east, all these years later. WOW!!! Did that just preach to you, as it did to me? What are the long-term effects and fall-out of your plans and choices going to have on this world, your family, your friends, even your enemies? This is serious!
Jonah had his plans, but God had another plan.
Jonah, who was an Old Testament prophet of God was told by God to go to Ninevah and preach a message of God's Judgment. However, he chose not to go to the city, because of his fear of the people and what they would do to him when he delivered this message of doom and gloom. If you studied history, you know just how ruthless the Assyrians were with their enemies, so it's easy to take Jonah's side. However, we must always be obedient to God, no matter what it looks like or what we think about the situation. What we know, that Jonah had no way of knowing, until he actually walked it out was that the people of Ninevah repented and God spared them, pouring out His mercy and grace on them. So, there never really was any true danger to Jonah, but he did not know that. For his disobedience, God sent a storm and a giant fish to redirect his path. In the end, Jonah repented of his plans and followed God's plan, thus bringing grace and truth to an entire city. Again, we see a message of the far reaching effects of our choices and obedience to God and His plans.
Saul, who would become the Apostle Paul had his plans, but God had another plan.
A Pharisee who saw it as his ordained purpose to kill Christians... Now, who could be more determined than that? If anyone was committed, it was Saul. He thought he was doing God's work by bringing judgment and death, but he was way off. In fact, he was deceived! This is why Jesus literally stopped him in his tracks. He was questioned about what he was doing and why by the Creator of Life. He was blinded for 3 days. If ever there was a story of brokenness, Paul's is it! His circumstances were beyond his own control. God had allowed a crisis to arise in his life to stop him from carrying out his plans. Jesus Himself called Saul on the carpet for questioning. This man of power and authority was arrested in his tracks. Then, he had to be led by others to a house where he began to question his life and his plans. After 3 days of fasting, he finally saw the light and repented. He was saved, baptized, and born a new man - the Apostle Paul. He wrote 2/3 of the New Testament and evangelized the world for Jesus... Long-term and far reaching effects for sure!
What about you? Are you making your own plans, or are you going by God's plan?
If you find yourself relating to one of the three stories above, then you have found yourself in good company. You see, the Bible says many are the plans in a man's (and woman's) heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. God's ways are not our ways. He sees and knows all. He has a better vantage point than we do. Purpose is higher than a plan. Purpose does not change, but plans change all the time! So, I ask you to search your heart. Are you following your own plans, or God's purpose for your life? There's a big difference. Your way will not produce even 1 thing you want; or think you want. God's way always produces all that we need. He even fulfills our heart's desire. God knows you better than you know yourself, so trust Him to have His way in your life. You won't be disappointed!
Instead of waiting patiently for the promises of God, Abraham followed the advice of his wife to take her servant girl. Abraham and Sarah thought they were helping God fulfill His plan, in doing so. However, what resulted was the birth of Ishmael and their house was never the same, nor our world for that matter. Jealousy, envy, bitterness, anger, and many more emotions resulted from man doing it his way. Strife and animosity, regret and shame were also present because of this choice to not wait on God and His perfect timing and plan. A rivalry between two people groups still exists to this day. This still results in wars in the middle east, all these years later. WOW!!! Did that just preach to you, as it did to me? What are the long-term effects and fall-out of your plans and choices going to have on this world, your family, your friends, even your enemies? This is serious!
Jonah had his plans, but God had another plan.
Jonah, who was an Old Testament prophet of God was told by God to go to Ninevah and preach a message of God's Judgment. However, he chose not to go to the city, because of his fear of the people and what they would do to him when he delivered this message of doom and gloom. If you studied history, you know just how ruthless the Assyrians were with their enemies, so it's easy to take Jonah's side. However, we must always be obedient to God, no matter what it looks like or what we think about the situation. What we know, that Jonah had no way of knowing, until he actually walked it out was that the people of Ninevah repented and God spared them, pouring out His mercy and grace on them. So, there never really was any true danger to Jonah, but he did not know that. For his disobedience, God sent a storm and a giant fish to redirect his path. In the end, Jonah repented of his plans and followed God's plan, thus bringing grace and truth to an entire city. Again, we see a message of the far reaching effects of our choices and obedience to God and His plans.
Saul, who would become the Apostle Paul had his plans, but God had another plan.
A Pharisee who saw it as his ordained purpose to kill Christians... Now, who could be more determined than that? If anyone was committed, it was Saul. He thought he was doing God's work by bringing judgment and death, but he was way off. In fact, he was deceived! This is why Jesus literally stopped him in his tracks. He was questioned about what he was doing and why by the Creator of Life. He was blinded for 3 days. If ever there was a story of brokenness, Paul's is it! His circumstances were beyond his own control. God had allowed a crisis to arise in his life to stop him from carrying out his plans. Jesus Himself called Saul on the carpet for questioning. This man of power and authority was arrested in his tracks. Then, he had to be led by others to a house where he began to question his life and his plans. After 3 days of fasting, he finally saw the light and repented. He was saved, baptized, and born a new man - the Apostle Paul. He wrote 2/3 of the New Testament and evangelized the world for Jesus... Long-term and far reaching effects for sure!
What about you? Are you making your own plans, or are you going by God's plan?
If you find yourself relating to one of the three stories above, then you have found yourself in good company. You see, the Bible says many are the plans in a man's (and woman's) heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. God's ways are not our ways. He sees and knows all. He has a better vantage point than we do. Purpose is higher than a plan. Purpose does not change, but plans change all the time! So, I ask you to search your heart. Are you following your own plans, or God's purpose for your life? There's a big difference. Your way will not produce even 1 thing you want; or think you want. God's way always produces all that we need. He even fulfills our heart's desire. God knows you better than you know yourself, so trust Him to have His way in your life. You won't be disappointed!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Turn it Around
It's time to Turn It Around!
It's a New Year!
I am listening to Israel Houghton and New Breed - "It's Not Over," right now.
Listen, it's not over! It's not finished!
It's not ending! It's only the beginning.
When God is in it, He makes all things NEW!
It's darkest before it's dawn. This might be the hardest season you've experienced.
It hurts, but you're closer than you think you are and closer than you've been before.
Hold on and hold fast!
Seasons are changing!
Just look at our weather lately.
Take that as a sign that God is changing, shaking, and shifting things for you now!
STAND your ground! Be BOLD and COURAGEOUS! Do NOT Fear!
God is Faithful! Look to the sky. Help is on the way!
No matter what it feels like, no matter what it looks like.
You walk by Faith/NOT by what you see! Do you hear me? God is right there with you.
Don't you DARE utter a WORD of doubt!
You SPEAK LIFE and ONLY words of LIFE!!!
And if you think you're gonna speak negative, put your hand over your mouth!
Don't you speak against your breakthrough! Don't you tear down your blessing!
Just remember, only you can stop the flow of God's breakthrough...
... by the POWER of your WORDS!
You can't be a rollercoaster.
Ask God to stabilize you while you wait.
See, when you agree today and doubt tomorrow...
... God has to stop and hold up what He's doing for YOU.
He says, oh, OK, you want to do it, all right, I'll step back and let you do it.
Set your mind now. No more up, down, up, down.
Come on now.
Have a stable attitude, no matter what it looks like or sounds like.
When you agree with God, NOTHING is impossible!
Patience is your ATTITUDE, while you wait.
Don't grumble and complain, gripe or whine!
This is why the children of Israel stayed in the wilderness 40 years!
Do you wanna go around the same mountain 40 years?
No, you don't! Don't be like that! Learn from them.
Now is the time to praise and proclaim the goodness of God!
Right Now, when you can't see it, this is your time to step out in faith and dare to believe!
Lift up your voice of praise. Give God your best and highest praise!
Shout now, because you've got the victory! Worship God with all you've got!
Your breakthrough depends on your attitude, while you wait.
When God is in it, there is no limit!
Your God will FIGHT for you!
Only believe! Do NOT Doubt! Do NOT give up!
Stand up right now, by faith, and turn around.
Now say this: God is turning my situation around!
God is for YOU; so who, my friend, can be against you?
Nothing is impossible with God!
He holds your whole world in His hands.
You are not going backward. You are moving FORWARD!
Get up! Don't you lay down and die. Don't stay in that bed, crying!
If you are a born again Christ follower, the devil has NO authority over you!
You call the shots. You don't give him and inch and watch him take a mile. NO! Stop that!
You take back the inch and then grab back the mile too!!!
Go into his camp and TAKE BACK what's yours!
It's time! Come on! Get up. Get up. Get up!
It's time for you to get mad at the enemy! RIGHTEOUSLY INDIGNANT!!!
It's NOT OK that you are sick!
That doctor's report is NOT an OPTION for you!
It's NOT OK that your spouse left you or cheated on you!
It's NOT OK that your loved ones are not saved!
It's NOT OK you're finances are in shambles!
It's NOT OK you think death is your only option!
It's NOT OK you think your answer is in that bottle!
It's NOT OK the enemy stole God's blessings from you!
It's time for the enemy to pay. It's time for you to RECOVER ALL!!!
You are not a slave. We have left Egypt!
Your chains are gone and the prison doors are unlocked and open!
Jesus has died to FREE you and REDEEM you!
We have crossed the Jordan! We're not wandering in the desert anymore! No!
It's time to FIGHT, go into the enemy's camp and get your stuff!
It's a New Year!
I am listening to Israel Houghton and New Breed - "It's Not Over," right now.
Listen, it's not over! It's not finished!
It's not ending! It's only the beginning.
When God is in it, He makes all things NEW!
It's darkest before it's dawn. This might be the hardest season you've experienced.
It hurts, but you're closer than you think you are and closer than you've been before.
Hold on and hold fast!
Seasons are changing!
Just look at our weather lately.
Take that as a sign that God is changing, shaking, and shifting things for you now!
STAND your ground! Be BOLD and COURAGEOUS! Do NOT Fear!
God is Faithful! Look to the sky. Help is on the way!
No matter what it feels like, no matter what it looks like.
You walk by Faith/NOT by what you see! Do you hear me? God is right there with you.
Don't you DARE utter a WORD of doubt!
You SPEAK LIFE and ONLY words of LIFE!!!
And if you think you're gonna speak negative, put your hand over your mouth!
Don't you speak against your breakthrough! Don't you tear down your blessing!
Just remember, only you can stop the flow of God's breakthrough...
... by the POWER of your WORDS!
You can't be a rollercoaster.
Ask God to stabilize you while you wait.
See, when you agree today and doubt tomorrow...
... God has to stop and hold up what He's doing for YOU.
He says, oh, OK, you want to do it, all right, I'll step back and let you do it.
Set your mind now. No more up, down, up, down.
Come on now.
Have a stable attitude, no matter what it looks like or sounds like.
When you agree with God, NOTHING is impossible!
Patience is your ATTITUDE, while you wait.
Don't grumble and complain, gripe or whine!
This is why the children of Israel stayed in the wilderness 40 years!
Do you wanna go around the same mountain 40 years?
No, you don't! Don't be like that! Learn from them.
Now is the time to praise and proclaim the goodness of God!
Right Now, when you can't see it, this is your time to step out in faith and dare to believe!
Lift up your voice of praise. Give God your best and highest praise!
Shout now, because you've got the victory! Worship God with all you've got!
Your breakthrough depends on your attitude, while you wait.
When God is in it, there is no limit!
Your God will FIGHT for you!
Only believe! Do NOT Doubt! Do NOT give up!
Stand up right now, by faith, and turn around.
Now say this: God is turning my situation around!
God is for YOU; so who, my friend, can be against you?
Nothing is impossible with God!
He holds your whole world in His hands.
You are not going backward. You are moving FORWARD!
Get up! Don't you lay down and die. Don't stay in that bed, crying!
If you are a born again Christ follower, the devil has NO authority over you!
You call the shots. You don't give him and inch and watch him take a mile. NO! Stop that!
You take back the inch and then grab back the mile too!!!
Go into his camp and TAKE BACK what's yours!
It's time! Come on! Get up. Get up. Get up!
It's time for you to get mad at the enemy! RIGHTEOUSLY INDIGNANT!!!
It's NOT OK that you are sick!
That doctor's report is NOT an OPTION for you!
It's NOT OK that your spouse left you or cheated on you!
It's NOT OK that your loved ones are not saved!
It's NOT OK you're finances are in shambles!
It's NOT OK you think death is your only option!
It's NOT OK you think your answer is in that bottle!
It's NOT OK the enemy stole God's blessings from you!
It's time for the enemy to pay. It's time for you to RECOVER ALL!!!
You are not a slave. We have left Egypt!
Your chains are gone and the prison doors are unlocked and open!
Jesus has died to FREE you and REDEEM you!
We have crossed the Jordan! We're not wandering in the desert anymore! No!
It's time to FIGHT, go into the enemy's camp and get your stuff!
Monday, January 6, 2014
GOD Can Do Anything!
God is able to do anything, everything, and all that you need Him to do! Judge Him faithful and true! He is the Captain of the Armies of Heaven. He is the Fairest of 10,000! He is the Alpha and Omega (Beginning and the End). He is the Lily of the Valley. He is your Peace. He is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother. He is Father to the fatherless. He is our Comforter. He is our Advocate and Attorney. He is the Lover of our Soul! He is your Provider. He is your Healer. He is everything you need, could ever want, and more!
Start praising Him for what He has done and is doing for you. He will make a way where there is no way. He will do what He has promised you. He is not a man that He should lie. You can trust Him with your whole heart! Do not fear! Do not give up or give in. Praise Him for your breakthrough.
This is your year Dear Ones! Only Believe. Let what's dead come to life!
- This year He has set before you an open door that no man can shut! Rev. 3:8
- He has declared that NOW is the time of His favor for you! 2 Cor. 6:2
- He has told us that as long as we have a relationship with Him, all we have to do is ask, believe Him for what we ask Him for, and receive what we are asking for. John 15:17 and 20:22
Start praising Him for what He has done and is doing for you. He will make a way where there is no way. He will do what He has promised you. He is not a man that He should lie. You can trust Him with your whole heart! Do not fear! Do not give up or give in. Praise Him for your breakthrough.
This is your year Dear Ones! Only Believe. Let what's dead come to life!
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